5 : The Opposite

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      "I really don't think this is necessary." You frowned, sitting down next to Law in the library. He had that same smirk on his lips, a cross between pleased and smug. "You aren't bad at English."

"Is it wrong to want to spend time with you?" He responded coyly, twisting in his chair to look at you head on. A stark blush came to your cheeks, and you turned your chin away in defiance. "Come on, it's the best excuse I could come up with."

"I've been manipulated." You frowned, sticking your bottom lip out in a soft pout. Law let out a hearty chuckle, the sound making you force back a smile. "What's so funny?"

"You're adorable, is all." He answered with an honest smile, chin having fallen into his palm. His head titled as he looked at you, admiring the cherry color that stained your cheeks. "I don't get how you can go from confident to flustered so quickly, but I like it."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm never flustered." You managed to retort without stuttering, but it didn't stop the heat from warming your face. "I hope you know my father would kill you if he saw you teasing me like this."

"I'm not concerned about Professor Dracule." He answered confidently, and you managed to look at him directly. His silver eyes glinted in the soft library light, metallic and striking.

All the heat left your face as you looked into them, sucked into your poetic mind. Law noticed, but he didn't dare brake your stare. He wondered what you were thinking, what words ran behind your eyelids as you stared into his soul. He didn't mind your scouring a single bit. He relished in it. Having your undivided attention swelled his pride, made him feel wanted rather than needed for whatever superficial purpose he could provide.

"Your eyes are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." You spoke after what seemed like hours of silent analyzing. You internally cursed yourself for saying it out loud, but a surprised tint glazed Law's tan cheeks and made you forget all about your own embarrassment. He avoided his eyes suddenly, bashful of your stare.

"T-thanks.." He uttered, gaze trained on the table.

"You know, dad always says I think too much and don't say enough." You admitted, turning your own eyes down towards your notebook. Your fingers twisted the edge, ignoring the man who was clearly observing you quietly. "I think I'd like getting to know you, but you make me so nervous..."

Law frowned when he saw your lips pull down, another rosy hue coming to dust your ears.

"I'll make you a deal." Law smirked, and you turned your jittery eyes to him once more. He sat up, folding his arms on the table and leaning his chest on them, bringing his face inches from yours. What was once a soft strawberry color burst into stark pomegranate, making him hum a laugh. "You stick with me for a while, put up with my horrible attempts at winning your affections-"

Law swore you'd be steaming if he teased you anymore.

"And if after a while you still don't feel comfortable around me, I'll leave you alone."

"O-okay." You agreed, brain short circuiting. He had practically just admitted that he liked you, and that was enough to bring your mental function to a screeching halt.

"Let's play twenty questions." He smiled, backing up to allow you some space to recover. "We'll ask each other questions and we have to answer with just yes or no. Simple and doesn't require much thought."

You didn't speak, but nodded. Law took that as his cue to go first.

"Do you think I'm attractive?"

Surely, his constant teasing would be the death of you.

Eventually, however, that game had to come to a stall. The time on your phone read late afternoon and neither of you had any business being at the university after hours. Sabo had left at your admittance, and you were prepared to take the long walk home, only for Law to offer you a ride. Of course you agreed, you weren't the most athletic and the trip was a hike and a half.

"Do you like pineapple on pizza?" You asked, continuing the game when you found the quiet a little too much. He gave you a disgusted expression, yet still holding the door open for you. "That's a no."

"I don't like bread." He grunted, and you nodded. You tucked that piece of information into the back of your mind, ready for later.

"Weirdo." You couldn't help but joke, and he sent you a sidelong glare. You giggled, throwing your fingers up to cover your lips in a poor excuse to hide the expression.

But all pleasantries dropped when you both made it back to Law's van.

His tires were once again slashed, deflated rubber hardly padding the rims from eating on the hard asphalt. Law's expression turned dark, and you both looked towards the snickering culprit. Eustass Kid sat on the hood of his red Camaro, beer in hand and Bonney on his hip.

"What's wrong creep?" He teased, red lips pulled back into a nasty glowering smirk. Laws hands clenched into fists, but you were way ahead of him. "Guess you'll be walking home again!"

"You fat jerk!" You spurt, making Kid's gang look to you at last. They hadn't noticed you before, you were like a speck of dust in Law's gigantic shadow. Nevertheless you put your hands on your hips, sending Kid your best disapproving look. "How the hell am I supposed to get home now?"

"I didn't know the creep was taking you home!" He defended himself, and you scoffed. Law looked at you again, mouth slightly agape. How the hell did he make you nervous, but you could yell at Eustass no problem? "Who the hell are you calling?"

"Paulie!" You spat, furiously searching your contact list. "Why? You want me to call Garp too?"

"No!" Kid blurt, making his crew snicker. Even Killer's shoulders shook. "Shut up! Common, Kitty, hang up and I'll give you a ride home."

"Oh shove off!" You scowled, scrunching your already furrowed brows at him. "You don't get to do something mean and then pretend to be nice."

"At least I'm making an effort!"

"To the wrong person!" You rebutted once again, putting the phone to your ear. "It's not my tires you chopped up!"

"Whatever!" Kid threw his hands up in defeat, shaking his head. He picked Bonney up off his hip and stood, "You wanna be all kissy with the freak? Go ahead! I'm not sticking around to watch this porno!"

"Just go home!" You spat back, and Eustass tossed up his middle finger in your direction before pulling out. "What a jerk."

You turned to face Law as the phone rang, immediately blushing when you noticed his awestruck face.


"You keep doing exactly the opposite of whatever I expect you to do." He admitted, eyes still admiring your flustered expression. He seemed to collect himself after that, his smug and slightly callus expression hardening his face as he gave you the most seductive smirk he could manage. "I'm into it."

"S-shut up." You managed, just as the phone picked up. You thank whatever god there was for saving you from the awkward moment, taking a deep and calming breath. "Hello? Hey! Uh, could you do me a favor? Someone slashed my friends tires and we're stuck at Uni. Yeah, course. I'll send you a picture."

"Who is Paulie?" Law asked, and you placed a hand to the mic to reply.

"A friend at Galley-La." you answered curtly, and he was was once again thrown into a daze. "Yeah, that's fine. I really appreciate it."

"The Galley-La company?" Law tried to clarify, and you nodded. He blinked, hands coming up as he shook his head. "My insurance can't afford-"

"Thanks Paulie! Send me the bill, okay?"

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