Chapter 1

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Huijin's P

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Huijin's P.O.V

The sun shine through the curtain, the sounds of alarm filled the room, I sat up from my bed, and went to the bathroom to take a refreshing morning bath. After that, have some proper breakfast then go to school early.

That's what I expect to do. I was running to the bathroom, washing my face and brush my teeth then quickly wears my cloth and run to the kitchen, looking at the time; fuck i'm late. I take a bar of energy bar from the cabinet wear my shoes and run to my college

I took a heavy breathe and exhale trying to steady my breath and look at the time once again, 7:48, nice......i have some time left to spare

I was walking down the hallway, going to the usual place me and my friends always hangout at while texting my brother. I'm pissed, that he didnt wake me up. Well its not particularly his fault, since I spent my time watching the new episodes of my fav drama last night and ended up sleeping at 5 am but still he should wake me up.

I walked while texting him without looking infront of me and unfortunately i bumped into someone making my phone and the other person's stuff to fall.

"Im so sorry i didnt- oh Hyeji youre early," i picked up my phone and also her things,i gave her stuff and stood beside her walking towards our usual place.

"Well not really-eh well i did came early tryna you know pick up some positive energy so i could focus on learning like ugh dance class was like hell although the teacher is kinda hot as hell but anyways i was looking for you,the others are waiting for you," Hyeji rambled waving her hands expressing how frustrated she was but at the same time excited.

"Since when do you want to focus learning? You did NOT i repeat you did NOT focus in any subjects here well except dance since thats what you like to do,you kept on daydreaming how hot your soulmate is," I raised my eyebrows while crossing my arms exposing her.

"What? Starting from today im gonna focus i mean if i can bcs dude he's so handsome like cant you imagine how handsome he is, AHH MY HEART!" she said dramatically putting her hand on her heart.

"No wonder youre Haechan's soulmate i can see it," I walked away leaving her there dumbfounded.

"HEY DONT LEAVE ME HERE!" she eventually caught up with me.

We arrived at our usual place,the college's garden, and saw them chatting,half of them are on the grass and half are on the bench. They looked up and saw us when they heard our footsteps.

"Finally shes here! What took you so long?" Jinae asked me when she saw me. I took a seat beside Sungyeol on the grass opposite Hyeji.

"Guess who forgots to wake me up? Its Heera's soulmate," I clapped my hands,smiling sarcastically.

"Ooh so thats why hes early today," Heera mumbled which I heard.

"Johnny fucking ditched me AGAIN what an amazing brother i have," I rolled my eyes and stretched my arms up exposing my stomach.

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