Chapter 4

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Huijin's P

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Huijin's P.O.V

I yelped when i heard his voice and turned towards him glaring at him for invading our 'privacy' talk.

"Do you know the word privacy Mark Lee?" I crossed my arms and kept on walking with Mark beside me a few steps away.

"What do you mean by privacy? You werent even whispering,you were talking so loud and i heard my name," Mark said.

"And the talk is between me and Hyeji so its called privacy,why are you eavesdropping you shithead?" I cursed getting annoyed at him.

"I heard my name what were you talking about?" He was about to touch my hand but i pulled away quickly not wanting him to bond with me although i still dont believe that he's my soulmate.

"Dont touch me with your filthy hand! You touched the donkey a few minutes ago!" I walked away quickly pulling Hyeji's hands to our dance class.

We got in the changing room to change our outfit to a comfortable one. I wore a white tshirt tucked into my grey sweatpants paired with black nike air.

I waited for Hyeji to come out. She came out wearing almost identical to mine but the colours are opposite and she's wearing adidas shoes.

"Let's go! I cant wait to see the hot teacher and please don't tell Haechan i said that." Hyeji gave me a peace.

"Can't promise that Ji," I winked at her,we walked out of the changing room and went inside the dance room.

We talked and laughed a lot while waiting for the dance teacher to come. Someone opened the door with a bang and comes in the dreamies and Shotaro. Mark holding Haechan in a chokehold, Jaemin cooing at Jisung, Jeno well Jeno, Renjun fighting in chinese with Chenle and Shotaro well he's the only normal one.

"Oh gosh i forgot he's in the same class as us!" I whispered in frustration at Hyeji. Hyeji patted my back, "Poor you,i will always remember you and will always visit your grave even if i dont want to," Hyeji wiped her fake tears sniffing.

I slapped her arms repeatedly.

"OW! STOP STOP!!" Hyeji cried out in pain. I stopped slapping her arms when i felt like theres someone sitting beside me.

I looked beside me,"Why are you sitting here? Theres more space over there than here."

"So what? I will sit where ever i want Huijin and i know you want me to sit beside you." Mark smirked.

"Oh fuck off Lee!" I rolled my eyes at him. He laughed at me being annoyed.

Mr.Lee came into the room with his usual big bag he always brought with him. We greeted him as usual before he started his lesson.

"Okay! Lets see if one of you have improved your dance skills i mean you guys are very talented in dancing i love to see my favourite students dancing its like baby dont stop." Mr.Lee or should i say Mr.Chittaphon.

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