Chapter 25

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V

The day has finally come, their vacation day, Huijin prayed the whole week that she doesn't want to stay in a room with Mark but there's a high chance her roommate would be him.

They sat inside the Suh's living room waiting for the last two people to arrive, Jaemin and Mark were kind of late due to traffic. But as usual the group was loud and hyper early in the morning.

"Okay! Drivers! Who would be it? Whose the unlucky butler of the day?" Haechan snickered at the nickname he made for the unlucky drivers. "I'll drive for everyone's sake- I don't even trust you to drive us there without racing." Haechan gasped at the comment Johnny made. "I did not race- do i babe?"

"Fuck yeah you do!" Haechan sulked while his soulmate continued chatting with the girls.

"And i'll drive as well- Mark said he'll drive too. As a punishment for him being late- and it was Jaemin's fault. He wanted to get his morning coffee before going on a trip with us." Sakyeon clicked her tongue in amusement when Jaehyun informed them.

"Na Jaem with his morning coffee, an unbreakable bond of course."

"The same with John, an unbreakable bond."

"Me and my coffee will never ever separate! Coffee is my first love- other than Heera of course- but Heera is the love of my life!!"

"Dramatic as always." Huijin shook her head as she watched her brother cling onto her friend, snuggling closer to her. She envied them for being romantic and loyal to each other while she couldn't even get a guy to stay with for more than three years.

A rhythmic knock echoed inside, Shotaro stood up and opened the door. Jaemin and Mark came in holding plastic bags full of their drinks, which they didn't even order.

"Woah woah what's this! Free drinks from Na and Lee? That's unusual." Haechan helped bring them inside, meaning by help was only getting his drink to his seat.

"Thanks for the help Donghyuck, that was very nice of you to help us." Mark scoffed putting down the plastic and giving them their drinks. When it comes to Huijin's turn, she just simply ignored him and took her drink in Mark's hand which made Mark kinda sad, from the way his eyes flickered in blue then to its original colour.

Their friends who saw the interaction felt sad towards Mark who just gave up and gave them their drinks with a heavy heart.

Huijin who sat quietly with her drink in her hand with a sad expression staring at it as she knew Mark had specifically picked out her favourite drink she had mentioned when their relationship was perfectly normal.

Yes, Mark remembered her favourite drink although it was months ago and yet he still remembered it perfectly how happy she looked when she mentioned her favourite coffee which was caramel coffee.

"Alright! Now that everyone's here lets spread out- that sounds weird but okay." Haechan stood up bringing his bag and his soulmate's bag to Mark's car. "Me, Huijin and Haechan are going with Mark-"

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