Chapter 6

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Huijin's P.O.V

We reached at a near bbq restaurant,the 4 car parked at the parking lot. I went out the car and waited for the others. One by one they exited the car.

"So who's paying?" I questioned

"JOHHNY'S GONNA PAY IT! Since he's the one who recommend this sudden hangout." Haechan pointed at a shocked Johnny.

"Fine i'll pay," Johnny surrendered as we cheered for not being the one who will be paying.

"Lets go order the most expensive meats!" Chenle cheered.

"I swear this will be the last time im gonna recommend a sudden hangout," Johnny cried out as he knew he will go broke feeding 17 children.

"Thanks Johnathan!!" I hugged his arm.

"Ew get off me Jin!" He tried to peered me off his arm.

"Rude much." I pouted.

I felt someone putting their arm on my shoulder,i looked beside me with a scowl,not happy to see the owner.

"Off Lee."

"Nope." Mark smiled innocently.

Too tired to argue with his attitude,i just let him do whatever he wants.

Soon we were seated on a table with Mark on my right side,not surprisingly, and Jinae on my left side.

Actually Mark wasnt suppose to sit there,i mean i dont want him to sit there because i clearly hate him a lot.

"I wanna sit with anyone other than him," i nod at Mark,not wanting to sit beside him.

"But you have to because theres no seats left other than beside Mark," Haechan batted his eyelashes.

"But there are-"

Rustling could be heard,soon the table was full except for two seats between Jaehyun and Jinae.

I sighed in defeat.

Thats how i sat with Mark,how romantic.

Johnny ordered the food for us since he knew what we wanted so we didnt bother to tell him what we wanted.

We chatted for a while waiting for the food to arrive. When it arrived, Johnny immediately grilled the meats.

I played with my phone ignoring Mark. Well this is going to be a routine of mine,ignoring Mark.

"Nice tattoo you've got there."

I put my phone inside my pocket and turned looking at Mark.

"What do you want Lee?" I looked at him suspicious.

"What? Cant i compliment your tattoo? Its not like it will hurt you or anything," Mark defended himself.

"How about you dont compliment me and just compliment about how beautiful your girlfriend is," I said not looking at him.

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