Chapter 15

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Huijin's P

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Huijin's P.O.V

I woke up feeling tired as I cant sleep after having the nightmare, it was too much for me to handle after everything, after the encounter with Wooyeol and Mark....


"Ugh I feel bad for lashing out at him gosh," I rubbed my face harshly, i went out of the bed to take a shower.

'You bitch! After all i've done for you! This is what you gave me!?'

'You can't even satisfy your own boyfriend huh!!'

I shook my head, rubbing my arms feeling disgusted, i could still feel his hands on my body.

I covered my mouth as I cried, not letting any noise come out of my mouth although it can still be heard.

"Huijin! Come on let's eat breakfast!" Johnny shouted from the kitchen. "Be there for a minute!" I shouted back sniffing and quickly wore my clothes after I was done showering.

"It's okay Jin you're going to be okay," i exhaled harshly, "Mark is not Wooyeol, he's different."


Johnny looks at me from time to time, "are you okay now?" He looked at me worried.

"Yeah i guess?" I sighed looking outside the window. Johnny sighed beside me but never said anything, he knew if he asked i would answer the same thing.

We got out of the car and walked to our usual place, where they usually gather before going to class.

I plopped myself beside Heera, laid my head on the table sighing and went to take a nap as my head was throbbing in pain after not getting enough sleep.

"YOU SHITHEAD! STOP SENDING ME THAT CREEPY PICTURES YOU FOUND ON GOOGLE!" Haechan laughed loudly after sending Renjun a creepy picture he found at google.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET AFTER PUSHING ME OUT OF THE LANE IN KARTRIDER!" Haechan yelled back sticking out his tongue at Renjun. Johnny threw a used tissue at them earning a disgusted scream from them.

"Be quiet will you!" He whispered-yelled at them pointing at me. I wasn't really asleep and i could literally hear and see everything that was going on.

"You okay babe?" Heera asked patting my head, i smiled nodding at her weakly.

"Liar! Tell us what happened bae," Hyeji pointed at me with a worried expression. I chuckled weakly, "It came back last night."

"My poor baby!" Hyeji ran towards me, hugging me afterwards, soon the others followed suit.

The girls understood what came back but the boys, not a thing they understood, a confused expression plastered on their face, i stifled a laugh looking at them.

"I cant go back to sleep last night it was too much," i sighed and continued, "it came back 'cause he came to see me after me and Mark went out."

"How did he find you?! I thought he went out of Seoul?" Minji asked to look at me worriedly.

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