Chapter 20

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V

Sighing for the umpteenth time of the day, staring at the interesting blank ceiling of his room, arms and legs spread on his bed as he thought of how to ask his soulmate to prom. Well it's kind of sudden for him to ask her for prom because they've been well not in a very healthy relationship and well they were not a couple to begin with and here he is anxious and confused on how to ask her for prom.

Hes never been this nervous and anxious before. Well that time he was with another girl well each year; different girl so it's kind of a somewhat different experience but this time it's his soulmate we're talking about. It's his forever partner till his last breath.

Usually girls would ask him for prom but this time it would be him asking instead, which explains why hes sweating so much, debating if he should ask her friends what she likes personally but knowing her friends, he wouldve shat himself before texting them or talking to them.

"Okay fuck this lets ask the boys." Calling one of the boys, who happens to be his best boy, you might think it's Jeno or Renjun or maybe his husband Haechan but it's actually John Jun Suh aka Huijin's brother.

"Okay John listen-"

"No I don't want to." Baby Johnson aka John Jun Suh joked.

"Okay I'm not treating you to coffee next time so please just hear me out for a second!" Mark begged.

"Okay fine but you promised that! So what is it?" His voice sounded muffled and it sounded like hes eating.

"Okay so how do i ask a girl for prom?" The other line went silent before he burst out of laughter.

"You? Are you asking me? For advice like this? You are fucking ridiculous! Tell me it's a joke." He snorted before laughing back.

"Do i sound like I'm joking? I dont. So please help me out Johnathan!" Johnny hissed at the name. "Okay for your information my name is Johnny. But anyways youre asking the wrong person you might ask that to mr cupid or maybe meet up with us tomorrow because me and the boys are gonna buy some suits and maybe flowers for our girls but yeah its great if you meet us tomorrow and we'll maybe help your anti romantic ass because we're your favourites. You are my favourite~"

"Okay thanks a lot John just tell me the details for tomorrow and i'll text you when I'm on my way." Johnny hummed and said bye to Mark before he hung up.

"Wait did he just sing that one song from tcn 721 song? Geez Haechan's definitely forcing him to sing that song." He chuckled before laying back on his bed. Huijin's cute smile and hearty laugh came to his mind, a smile grew on his face.

"What have you done to me?"


"As you can see im the hottest guy you've ever known and im attracted to the most beautiful fiona- please dont tell Hyeji i said this she might- why are you recording this shit?" Haechan panicked trying to snatch Jaemin's phone from his grip but failed to do so. "Im sending this shit directly to Hyeji- ow fuck off- wait no! Stop Lee Haechan! Dont- ew! Your saliva is on me!"

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