Chapter 3

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Huijin's P

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Huijin's P.O.V

"AH YES MARK'S TATTOO" Jaemin snapped his fingers.

I groaned loudly. "Theres no way in hell hes my soulmate thats bullshit!!"

"As i was saying, he showed us his soulmate tattoo yesterday when we came to his house to play video games and it looks exactly like yours," Haechan stated making me groan again.

"Nu-uh im not gonna believe that shit thats definitely fake nope i will not fell for that joke ha ha Haechan tell the truth," Haechan looks at me confused.

"Im not joking?? Do i look like a clown? Ask them!" I looked at Jisung.

"He's telling the truth for the first time." Jisung said drinking his strawberry milk.

"Ah fuck im not liking this soulmate system this is why i dont believe in soulmates because you will end up hurting yourself." I stated angrily.

"You should move on Huijin, hes not worth it,hes not in your life anymore, you might change Mark you know maybe he wont be a douche and would stay loyal to you. Give him a chance." Haerin was right maybe i should give him a chance maybe i could change him.

What if he leaves me? What if he did the same just like what 'he' did? I shouldnt trust him so fast

"I'll think about it but first i need to eat im starving, i ate an energy bar this morning for breakfast because someone decided to ditch me." I stood up holding my wallet.

"Hey!! I said i was sorry okay!!" Johnny defended himself.

I shrugged,"anyways who wants drinks? Im paying."

"I'll go with you!" Jeno and Hyorin said and stood up at the same time.

"What a great couple,willing to help me not like that person beside Jeno," i wiped my non existent tears.

"Bitch i helped you by making you exist!" Haechan cursed.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Cmon lets go girlfriend!" Hyorin pulled me linking her arms with mine leaving a sulking Jeno behind.

"How sweet, she just left her boyfriend here," Jeno jogged towards us.

After a few minutes we went back towards them with drinks and foods. Laughing at Jeno's joke we havent noticed there was a new person sitting there on the other table.

"Heres your foods and-oh my god why is he here?" I groaned looking at the newcomer sitting on the next table with the boys.

"Gosh i forgot yall are friends with this flat head," i said silently but sadly Mark heard that.

"Shut up look at yourself! I dont even know if your chest exist or not," Mark smirked,I glared at him.

"Well at least i dont look like a fucking clown with makeup on," I smiled at him innocently. Mark stood up trying to charge at me but unfortunately for him Renjun and Chenle holds him making him sit back with smoke going out of his ears looking like Thomas the train.

"Well atleast shes prettier than you," Mark rolled his eyes trying to snap back but i just snorted. I was about snap back at him but a snake decided to ruin everyone's mood.

"Hi baby," Damhui sat on Mark's lap kissing him,we gagged at the disgusting scene,this is worst than watching a horror movie its like watching Oily London kissing a cardboard Jimin. Save Jimin from Oily London.

"Im gonna sit with you guys if you dont mind," Damhui giggled.

"We do mind because we dont accept snakes or anything poisinous in this table,we're not a zoo and dont think about sitting near us i dont want to get affected by snakes," Hyeji fake smiled at Damhui and her one eyed minions.

"Even her giggle sounds like an ugly donkey," i fakely whispered in english which made Damhui looked at me confused. "What? Oh! You heard what i said but you dont understand a thing? Well let me say this again,your giggle sounds like an ugly donkey, understand?" The others laughed well some were already laughing with tears coming out,surprisingly Mark was also laughing.

"Well she means you look absolutely beautiful today, gorgeous outstanding!" Jinae clapped her hands,we burst out in laughters.

"Oh thankyou! Im always beautiful!" Damhui thanked Jinae without knowing that she mistranslated my words purposely.

"But i cant say that youre beautiful as well by looking at that cheap dress youre wearing," Damhui looked at Jinae's dress disgustingly.

"Oh yall hear that? Eh nevermind i think i just heard a donkey talking i must be out of my mind," i said sarcastically.

"Oh no im getting scared i think the donkey is actually a ghost get away ghost!!" Haechan fake cried.

Damhui slapped Haechan's arm jokingly, "Oh Haechan youre so funny!!"



"I HEARD THE DONKEY GHOST LAUGHED NEAR ME!!" Chenle screamed earning looks from the students.

Surprisingly Mark let out a laugh. I looked at him with a small smile. His laugh is so cute-wtf?

I didnt know i stared at him for too long until he looked back at me and i looked away quickly acting like nothing happened.

"Markieee do something!" Damhui whined.

"What?" Mark couldnt stop laughing.

"Okay! Im going to class i dont want the donkey ghost to disturb us its creepy!" I stood up and shivered fakely.

Soon the others followed as well including Mark making Damhui fell on her butt.

"Lets go Hyeji! We have dance class!" I pulled Hyeji by her arm.

"We'll go first! Unless some of you guys want to stay with that donkey ghost and Johnny wait for me please!" I walked away with Hyeji arms interlocked.

Well other than music, I actually took dance class same with Hyeji,the both of us like no love dancing i mean without music what is dancing? It will be empty without music so i took interest with music and dance its like they were meant for eachother.

"So...." Hyeji started,i eyed her.

"So what?"

"Soo Mark Lee is your soulmate huh?" Hyeji wiggled her eyebrows.

"No where in hell he's my soulmate! Thats bullshit! We both hated eachother!" I groaned.

"You forgot that me and Haechan actually hated each other before we knew we were soulmates and we got together at the end." Hyeji puts her arm on my shoulder.

"That doesnt mean i should be like you guys! I mean hes a playboy! He likes to fuck girls and now hes with that donkey! Why am i Mark's soulmate??"

"Who's my soulmate?"

----------------------------✈︎----------------------------Ooo donkey from shrek made a cameo here!!Damhui is kinda bitchy here i mean i wasnt actually gonna make her a bitch but i changed my mind heh

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Ooo donkey from shrek made a cameo here!!
Damhui is kinda bitchy here i mean i wasnt actually gonna make her a bitch but i changed my mind heh

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