Chapter 23

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V

Eversince the prom, they had been getting closer each day. Hanging out after they were done with classes, having a sleepover at their house, walking to class together, waiting outside their class to walk home together, feeding each other and any other things that includes couple stuff.

Anyone could see they were meant for each other and they are starting to fall for each other but the couple denied their feelings saying it was just maybe a fling or just a mistake. Their friends eventually got annoyed at them being oblivious and dumb of course for not confessing their love. Which is why theyre planning for a beach trip next week, staying at Chenle's vacation house.

"You need to be having atleast a free day to hangout. Cmon! Its not that hard right?"

"I know something's that hard as fuck."

"Lee Haechan!"

"Ow fuck! Bitch stop hitting me- AAHH WHAT THE FUCK NA JAEMIN!"

Haechan rubs the spot where Jaemin pinched very hard, it might leave a bruise that looks like hickey.

"Okay so-"

"Shut up before i fucking smack your flat head." Renjun threatened him, glaring at Haechan before he shuts his mouth not daring to set a timer bomb on him.

"My head's not flat." He mumbled which Renjun ignored rolling his eyes. "Anyways we're having a beach trip next week and youre not allowed to say no."

"Aww i was gonna ditch dong your house tomorrow morning."

"Does that ruin our plans next week Lee Haechan? It does not but count me in, call me when youre about do ding his door."

"Im not gonna drag your big ass to my car to ditch him. Youre going to drag my ass to your car instead Lee Minhyung." Mark rolled his eyes at his government name.

"Okay Lee Donghyuck, on it sir."

"I almost-"

"Dont you dare finish it Donghyuck i swear to god." Mark sighed almost strangling the poor boy who had his famous annoying smirk on his face.

"I just-" before he could finish his sentence, Mark already had his hands on him, strangling the poor boy.

Their soulmates just laughed at their childish tactics. The girls sat together at the other table leaving the boys on their own, spending time.

"I swear i almost thought Haechan is gay or something from the way he always follow Mark everywhere." The others agreed. "And here i thought i got into someone's relationship by being Mark's soulmate."

"I mean you did tho." Haerin said sipping her soulmate's drink.

"You got a point."

"Serious questions. Are you finally has come to your senses that you love Mark?" Sungyeol whispered, looking at Mark's direction to see if he's paying attention to their topic, thankfully he's still occupied with Haechan.

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