Chapter 30

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V

Mark knocks the Suh's family door. The door creaks open, Johnny squints his eyes to see his bestfriend standing in front of him.

"What are you doing here man? It's like- oh nevermind it's already noon. Just get inside and i'll be in my room sleeping again. Oh and Huijin is in her room, studying." Johnny yawned, letting Mark inside the cozy house before closing the front door.

"I'll talk to you later man, I've got something to do." Mark pats Johnny's back with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows at him.

"You're so disgusting Marcus Lee." Johnny smacks Mark's hands away before walking up the stairs to his room. "As if you don't do the same thing with Heera you shit!"

"At least I don't tell the brother what he's about to do!" Johnny flipped his middle finger at him.

"Stay mad Johnathan!" Mark instantly ran away when Johnny had whipped his head to look at him. "Oh fuck off Marcus!!" Mark lets out a big laugh when Johnny flips out his middle finger high up in the sky.

Mark knocks Huijin's door before a soft voice letting him in. Mark closed the door behind him once he sets his foot inside Huijin's spacious room. Eyes scanning her room as if he hasnt stepped foot inside her room, although hes been in her room multiple times when they were kind of in a bad situation but theyre good now.

"Hi" Mark softly greets his beloved soulmate with heart eyes.

"Hai~" Huijin stood up with her arms open, inviting him into her warm hug.

Mark immediately went inside her arms, inhaling her scent which made him high because hes so in love with her. Snuggling closer to her neck.

"Why are you so clingy today? Any special occasion?" Huijin pats his back, chuckling when he lets out a whine. "I dont wanna let gooo. Please let me hug you for a while."

"Since when are you so clingy, Marcus Lee?"

"Since the moment i fell in love with you." Mark winked at her then lets go of their hug. "So- what are you doing right now- dont tell me youre studying? That is so-"

"Fuck off Mark and yes im studying!" Huijin hissed when Mark slapped her arm in absolute disbelief. "Why the fuck are you studying!? Are you sick?"

"I absolutely study in secret and you never see me study at school or maybe at the library because i studied everything at home and please stop looking at me in disbelief before i fucking slap this thick physics book on your head." Huijin threatened him, her finger pointing at the physics book sitting perfectly on her table.

"Chill my love i-i'm just kidding with you." Mark sheepishly smiled at her, rubbing the back of his neck. "What are you studying? Maybe we could study together."

"Since when do you study Marcus Lee?" Huijin raised her eyebrows at him.

"Babe even though I'm a douchebag that doesn't know how to appreciate his friend's plans or anything, i do study but rarely my darling." He explains.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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