Chapter 13

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V

"And you know what she said?! She said wait nevermind i forgot what she said but the important thing is she went on a beast mode on her!!" Hyeji frantically moves her hand all over the place showing how excited she was.

"DAMN! Huijin in a beast mode?? A very rare moment dude!" Hyorin excitedly clapped her hands.

Mark quietly sat beside Huijin but nope it was loud enough to know cause his fat ass would make big plop on the bench.

"Why are you here??" Huijin dropped her head on her arms on the table feeling tired.

"What? Your friend is also my friend for your information," Mark puts his arm on her shoulder.

She groaned and pushed his arm away from her shoulder. "Not now Mark please im tired."

"Just sleep princess, im just gonna eat here."

Huijin sat up straight abruptly giving Mark a heart attack.

"Jesus you almost- you-"



Huijin took off her cardigan and puts it on the table and leaned her head on the cardigan to make it as a pillow.

Without a reason, Mark kissed her shoulder and went back to eat his food. "Why would you do that Mark." She slapped his thigh.

He jolted in his seat, "nothing why? Got a problem?" He stuck out his tongue at her

She rolled her eyes and gave him a middle finger. "What was that for!?"

She blew him a flying kiss. "Thank god youre hot or else i wouldve vomited on you."

"I know im hot love thats why you were staring at my neck and ass you dumbo."

"Ew stop flirting at each other!" Renjun gagged looking at his friends 'flirting'.

"We're not flirting you shithead!" Huijin threw a used tissue at him making him shrieked.

After hours and hours of learning, naevis has finally lets out the magical bell to indicate class has finally come to an end and now the human beings are finally able to breath and live their happy lives.

"Hey sis! Im gonna go on a date with Heera and might come home at 6 or 7, drive safe!" Johnny kissed his sister's forehead waving goodbye at her.

She smiled looking at her happy brother, smiling and laughing with his soulmate, Heera.


"YOU SHITHEAD!" Huijin screamed holding her chest where her heart is.

There stood a laughing seagull,Mark Lee. He slapped his knees laughing at Huijin's reaction.

Huijin slapped and punched him while he tried to avoid her attacks still laughing at her.

"Okay okay sorry sorry."

"I swear to god i will kick your ass to kwangya and feed you to that evil black mamba."

"Geez you and your kwangya, anyways lets go out." Mark suggested earning a confused 'huh' from Huijin.

"Our routine for physical contact as a soulmate?" Mark explained earning a nod from her.

"Alright lets go i'll drive-"

"No i'll drive i dont trust you driving the car,i heard from Johnny you drive too fast." Mark took the key from her hand and walked towards the driver seat.

Fuck you Johnny Suh! I will make you regret!

Huijin gave up and just went to sit at the passenger seat of her own car.

"Now lets get some ice cream and maybe go on a walk wait no lets park this car at your house then we walk from there." Mark drove out to the driveway,one hand on the steering wheel while the other hand leaned on the window.

Shit he looks hot like that- wait Huijin tf?

Huijin blushed mentally facepalmed herself for thinking about that. Who wouldnt agree if a guy drive one hand only?

Minutes after that,they finally arrived at her house and they went out of the car not forgetting to locked the car.

He gave her the car keys and hold onto her hand intertwining it, swinging their hands back and forth.

They took a stroll around the neighbourhood before stopping at the famous ice cream parlour near the neighbourhood.

"Hello! Welcome to Way Cream! Where we serve you-"

"Bella get off the table you're gonna fall off! I cant afford another surgery for your stubborn ass!"

"-cold and creamy ice cream, well sorry about that, anyways what can i do for you?" The staff said smiling at them with his bright smile.

"Hi no worries about that, can i get the BeLouie special please? As usual." Huijin smiled at the staff.

"As usual?" He looked at her confused.


"Huijin! My favourite customer! Hendery go to the back i'll serve her."

"Hi Ten! Its really nice to see you again! Hows your soulmate?" Huijin hugged him chuckling.

"Welp shes doing great! Anyways the usual?" Huijin nodded excitedly.

Ten had noticed Mark standing beside her, "oh you brought a friend! Or boyfriend i might say." He smirked.

"He's just a friend Chittaphon!" She shushed him earning a laugh from him.

Weird he has the same name as my teacher hmm twins i guess?

"Hi im Ten the owner of this ice cream shop," he shooks Mark's hand. "Hi i'm Mark." Returning the same gesture.

"And you boy what do you want?"

"Same as hers." Mark smiled at him.

"Alright here you go! Its on the house Jin."

"Wait really Ten?" She asked feeling guilty.

"Yeah no need to feel guilty Jin, i'll see you when i see you girl!" He hugged her and gave Mark a pat on his shoulder. "Take care of her." Ten said earning a curt nod from Mark.

Huijin blushed,she glared at Ten pushing him away and dragged Mark out of the shop not forgetting to bid goodbye at Ten.

They laughed at each other's stories on their way to Huijin's house forgetting that theyre actually enemies. Happiness was all they could feel. Freedom from everything. Their eyes glowing with bright yellow.

But unfortunately that moment has come to an end after the uninvited person decided to ruin their perfect moment.



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