Chapter 5

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Huijin's P

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Huijin's P.O.V

"Any problem Huijin?" Mr.Lee asked.

"Uh no sir,no problem at all." I smiled fakely and cursed silently. "Fuck you Mark Lee."

"I heard that,where and when?" Mark whispered. "Fuck off Mark." I glared at him. He winked,i rolled my eyes annoyed.

"Alright if theres no problem then thats all for today! I'll see you next class bye kids!!" Mr.Lee went out as we packed our stuff. I quickly stood up was about to walk away but a hand stopped me from doing that.

I whipped my head to look at the owner of the hand. I gasped looking at the owner,it was Mark.

Fuck fuck fuck now we're gonna bond FUCK

"Let go of m-"

A bright purple light lights up the room and it came from our soulmate tattoo. It shine so bright. I squinted my eyes at the bright light.

Gasps could be heard in the room.

I cursed under my breath knowing that we would have to stay with eachother to bond.

"What the fuck?" I heard Mark cursed.

When the light was gone, i quickly removed Mark's hands from mine. I winced in pain as i felt a sting from my arm.

The tattoo,they were right


I looked around,everyone was looking at us eyes widened,gasping,everything that involves shock in emotions.

"I told you to not touch me didnt i?" I snapped at Mark. "Woah woah no need to get mad i didnt know it would be like this."

"Fuck off Lee!" I stormed out of the class and went to change my outfit.

After i changed,i quickly went outside and i didnt realise Mark was waiting outside the changing room.

"Huijin! Wait!" Mark holds my upper arm stopping me from walking away further.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW?! ISNT THIS ENOUGH!?" I lashed out,not caring if the other students heard us,i was too occupied with rage.


"I didnt want this to happened! I dont want to be your soulmate! Because i knew what will happened if im with you!"

"Why cant you just accept it!? The universe paired us to be soulmates so what? Its not like we're both gonna fall in love!" I went quiet at his statement.

"We're just gonna bond with each other to stay alive and i will not fall in love with you as you know that i have a girlfriend." Mark said breathing heavily from all the shouting.

Mark was still holding my upper arm with a tight grip not letting me go. I tried getting my arm back but his grip was too tight hurting my arm.

"But i dont care if i have a girlfriend and i dont care if you like it or not but you are MY soulmate which means youre mine. You,wont date anyone except for me." He got closer almost closing the space between us.

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