Chapter 18

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V

Music blasting inside the club, sweaty bodies dancing and grinding on each other. Neon lights flashing inside the club as the girls dance to the upbeat song at the corner of the room, not brave enough to dance in the middle of the room, as they thought of their own soulmates face if they found out their soulmates grinding on random person's body.

"Yeah shit im staying here- theres no fucking way im gonna go there and fucking dance with random guy grinding on my ass yeah no thanks." Hyeji shivered at the thought of someone's dick pressed on her ass.

"God im not gonna survive there as well- geez Renjun's jealous face came into my mind poor baby." Haerin cooed at the thought of her boyfriend being a big jealous baby.

"If youre not gonna go there and the rest of you personally dragged me here to just watch people dance then i'll be the one to fucking grind on people- i dont care! Nope dont talk to me about Mark fucking canada Lee." Huijin took a sip of her drink and slipped into the crowd, dancing with random people but soon she got bored so she went back to her friends.

"Some guy just randomly asked me if i were mcdonalds. Do i look like fucking ronald mcdonald with red hair? Do i look like one?" She huffed sitting next to Jinae who currently looks like shes about to cry.

"Why the fuck do you look like youre about to shit your pants?"

"Cucumber doesn't have hands!" Jinae exclaimed then cried on Sungyeol's shoulder as the latter pats her shoulder. "Shes drunk Jin."

"She just had two glass???"

"Yeahh two glass and she logged out of the world." Heera said sipping her fourth drink. "But anyways lets take a picture-"

"A picture for my baby Chenle!" Jinae shot up from Sungyeol's shoulder almost knocking Heejin's drink.

"Geez you almost made me dropped my drink!"

"Say Huijin solo moment!" Sakyeon took a video and snap a few pictures of them. She sent a few pictures and the video to the group with their soulmates including Mark, of course.

"Okay! Lets get fully drunk!!" They cheered and chug more than five bottles of alcohol.

Soon they were pretty much drunk except for the drivers who drove them to the club. Well people said when you're drunk, you wont even think of anything before doing something more stupid when you're sober, and yeah Haerin decided to something stupid and dumb.

"Sooo Huijin hehe wanna play? I dare you to find the hottest guy in this club and kiss him." Haerin challenged her drunk friend who agreed to her dare without thinking twice.

Which is why shes now walking towards the hottest guy she found which happened to be Johnny's friend back in Chicago but Huijin didnt know it was her brother's friend.

She tapped onto the guy's shoulder, flashing him a sweet smile which he reciprocated the smile.

"How can i-"

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