Chapter 28

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V

"Okay- stop grabbing me with those snappy thingy!" Renjun slaps the samoyed's arm with a loud smack while the others shook their head.

"Its a thong you idiot." Jeno said.

"A what?" Jisung asked confused. "A thong?" He asked back. "Yes a thong." Jeno nodded.

"Are you sure its called a thong?" Jisung asked back. "Yeah i am very sure- i passed physics i know for sure thats a thong."

"Whats physics gonna do with a thong?" Johnny confusedly sips his coffee of the night. "Sir Kim asked us to bring thongs for physics and the next day, fucking Lee Haechan brought a literal thong to school while the others brought a snappy thing called thong."

"Bitch how the fuck do i know what a fucking thong is!?"

"YOU FUCKING BROUGHT A THONG TO SCHOOL!? I SHOULDVE RECORDED EVERYTHING!" Chenle laughed his ass off, accidentally farting which kinds of smells like hot pot.

"Bitch you dont even have physics." Haechan threw a bunch of chips at him earning yells from the mother, Na Jaemin.

While the boys were arguing what thong is, Huijin and the girls chatted as usual because thats what theyre good at. They were talking about what happened at the beach a few hours ago and now theyre waiting for the barbeque party to start.

"No shit sherlock- no wonder they looked familiar!" Sana gasped after realising who they were.

"Since when do you curse-"

"Since i got the chance to fucking talk and support my girls. Slay." Sana wiggles her eyebrows. "Untold facts from Sana." Hyeji nodded in approvement.

"I know right! The moment i saw the blonde hair, i was like wait isnt he that guy from Australia? And i was right!" Sungyeol clapped her hand, "and it was Bang Chan!"

"And how do you know him?" Huijin genuinely asked because shes still confused the moment they started the conversation and her mind went back to her interactions with Mark.

The way he cares for her made her heart flutter, and also made her feelings for him more clear than her own bestfriend's eyesight. Justice for Hyeji.

His intentions were clear to him but not to her. She was convinced by herself that a guy like Mark wouldnt want a soulmate like her but she was wrong the whole time and she didnt realise it yet. His feelings for her were real and hes about to let it out that night.

"I knew him from his sister Hannah. Boi the whole school went gay for his sister- including Hyeji she was like Mother!!! SHE WAS KNEELING INFRONT OF THAT KID! I never felt more embarassed than her."

"Bitch im kneeling for the hottest goddess other than Queen Naevis. Respect my queens!" Hyeji and Sungyeol kept arguing about embarrassing each other.

"Huijin?" Someone called out her name which made her snapped into reality and turned to face the owner of the voice. "H-huh? Yes?"

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