December 4th

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Vienna, Anouk and I was making chocolate for the Christmas sale, while Roux sat on one of the bar stools and played a Christmas carol on his lovely guitar. Vienna and I started to hum the song to the melody he was playing, Anouk was slowly becoming a woman and just thought we where silly or ridiculous all the time, but not today she was smiling brightly at us both and started to feel up the different plates and small boxes with the chocolate that was dried and finished with being decorated.

"Y/N sing the song, I know you can sing it, love" Roux said as he lifted his head to look at me with an amused plastered to his beautiful face.
Vienna was also smiling now and looking at me with playful eyes "Yes Y/N, come on sing it for us" she encouraged me.
I shook my head at them, but gave into their peer pressure. "Okay, I will do it. On one condition that you play to it Roux" I said sternly, hey playful with a pointed finger at him and Vienna. They just nodded their heads in unison and smiled brightly at me.
And I began to sing;

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
Next year all our troubles
Will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
Next year all our troubles
Will be miles away

Once again, as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Will be near to us once more

Someday soon we all will be together
If the fates allow
Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now

As I sang the last word and Roux played the last note, Vienna and Anouk clapped at us. Roux stood up, took my hand and we both made a little bow for them.
We stood up right again and Roux kept my hand in his and took it up to his mouth and placed a small kiss on my knuckles, he kept his eyes on me making eye contact and keeping it while he kissed my hand.
I could feel my cheeks begin to flush pink, he pulled me closer to his body and placed his hands around my waist, looking me in the eyes with love and adoration. Leaning in to give me a kiss, our lips met and locked, they moved in sync slowly, the kiss is sweet loving, sensual and sweet. I could feel myself getting weak in the knees, knowing that he will always have this affect on me. My hands was around his neck as we broke the kiss, "Y/N, thank you for singing that song with me" he said and giving me a little peck on the cheek. "Thank you, for making me sing with you Roux" I responded. We broke free of the embrace and I could se Anouk having a disgusted look on her face, with her ting out. All three of us laughed a little of Anouk's reaction, I gave her a small smile and walked over to her and gave her a big hug and a big kiss on the cheek.
Vienna was just smiling at us, I knew she was happy for me and Roux being together. "Now, after that lovely song and a little moment of love, let's get back to work. We have a lot to do before Christmas" Vienna said with a smile and a cheerful look in her eyes.

"Yes, let's go back to work. Come on Anouk I need your help with the chocolate truffles" I said taking my arm around Anouk and we got back to work, Vienna, Anouk and I, while Roux continued to sit on the stool and play his guitar to us.

Word count 648
Chapter 4


December imagines - Johnny Depp Characters x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now