December 16th

318 2 0

James "Whitey" Bulger

"Where are the files from the FBI?" James shouted at his associates, walking into the bar that they met at and where in charge of as you could say.

"I haven't seen them, sir" A younger looking guy, with brown hair and grey eyes said, feeling very insecure and intimidating by Whiteys presence.
"Who here knows where they are" James asked out in the room, with a cool look in those cold blue greyish eyes of his. Nobody dared to say a thing, James he felt defeated and disappointed.

"Alright, you motherfuckers. Have any of you had any contact with the police or the FBI in the 3 weeks" He asked daunting calmly. Looking out on his folks and employees. Steve stood up from his seat near the bar and walked over to James.

"Listen, we have the files somewhere and I promise I will get this under control. Look Jimmy trust me. The police and the mafia will not get any hints on what alliances with the FBI. Go home and spend the rest of the holidays with your family" Steve almost whispered into his ear and trying the calm his anger down, before any got killed.

He breathed in and out heavily and turned his head to look Steve in the eye. " If I find out that anything has slipped, you are a dead man" He said to Steve and walked out the of the place, sitting in his car and driving home.

He drove home to his house, that he shared with his girlfriend and their little son.
"Hey honey" You greeted as you heard James come through the door. He hang his coat up and walked over to you to hug you from the back, and kissing your head softly.  You were just finishing washing the dishes, when James came home.
When he was near you or any other of his family he would be very caring, loving, patient and understanding.
"You're home late, what took you this long tonight" You asked turning around in his embrace.
"The guys fucked something up and I had to take care of it. But now I'm home and I want to be with you and my boy, where is he by the way?" He asked looking into your beautiful e/c eyes.
"Alright, it was just that you promised to be home before dinner. And he is getting ready for bed, in the bathroom brushing his teeth" I answered him.
He leaned down to kiss your lips quick before going to the bathroom. You finished cleaning and got to the bathroom as well.
"Dad, how long am I supposed to brush my teeth, it feels like forever" Douglas said looking tired of keep brushing his teeth.
"30 more seconds, buddy" Jimmy said while he ruffled his hair.
"Okay, but why" Douglas asked. As if one big question mark had just been placed over his head.
You looked to Jimmy with a small smile on your face, seeing him do the same.
"Well, because brushing your teeth is important and to keep good dental hygiene. And Santa will only give presents to the kids that listens to their parents, right babe" Jimmy said first looking at Douglas, then at you for you to agree with his point.
"That's right honey. Listen to your dad and know that you have brushed your teeth all clean and pearly white, it's time for bed." You said taking his toothbrush, washing it and placing it in the jar with Jimmy and your own.
Jimmy lifted Douglas up in his arms, hugging him to his body, like a caring father. We walked to his room, Jimmy laid him down in his bed as I turned off the lights except for his night lamp on his little night stand. "Night buddy, sleep well." Jimmy said giving him a kiss on the hair and caressing his cheek. You walked over to Douglas, Jimmy going to the door and waiting for you, sitting down and tugging the sheets closer to him, giving him a kiss as well on the head. "Night honey, remember it's almost Christmas and we will all be together and celebrate" You whispered softly to him. Slowly standing up, humming an old song for him as you walked over to Jimmy, you both closed the door, well almost and left it a little ajar.
You and Jimmy walked down the stairs and into the living room, sitting down on the couch all cuddling up with each other.

"Sorry for coming home late Y/N" He said hugging you closer to him so your head rested in his shoulder. "It's alright, moments like those before, means more to me and then it doesn't matter that you came home late. As long I get to see you and Douglas, everything is perfect." You said kissing his neck.
"I know that I care for you and love you and our son, very much. And that I would do anything for you, right" He said in a soft whisper as his hand came up to stroke your arm in a calming manner.
"Yes, I know that Jimmy. And I love you too very much and I love that we are together and have our lovely son Douglas" I said feeling my eyes get heavy and not long after falling asleep on the couch in the arms of Jimmy.

Word Count 902
Chapter 16


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