New Years Special

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New Years Eve with Johnny Depp

"Ten minutes everyone" I shout out in the room, seeing all of my friends and guest getting ready to jump into the new year. Looking out on the crowd I notice Johnny is nowhere in sight, but as if my thoughts were heard I felt a pair of familiar hands on my arms and a scent of cologne and cigarettes enchant my nose.
"Almost midnight, Y/N" I hear Johnny say from behind me, with a smile on my lips I turn around to face him. Meeting his eyes that looked deep into my soul with love and adoration.
"I have something to show you" Johnny says traveling his hands from my forearms down to my hands and taking them into his.
I just nod and hold onto him, he stars walking out of the living room and forwards the stairs that leads up to the first floor. He turn so he is facing the right way, still holding my hands as we walk up the stairs. He leads us to the balcony that is facing the city.
"Why out here, and not with the others?" I ask him a little confused.
"I thought that it would be wonderful to look at the all the fireworks from here" He answered, leaning forward, taking me to his side as we looked at the landscape.
We just stood there and enjoyed each other's company, the air still but with a slight breeze coming now and again.
I was wearing a black dress with thin, delicate silk arms that flowed in the air every time the breezes hit. The dress got all the down to my ankles and my shoes giving me a little height so the dress wouldn't toss around the ground.
Johnny was wearing black trousers and a white dress shirt, with the first to buttons unbuttoned. Running his hand though his air every few minutes to keep it in place, for it to fall down a right after.

Just as it was most quiet, we could hear the others start to count down. Chuckling to myself, thinking of the crazy year we had had.

"10, 9, 8"

"Love, I actually brought you here for more than one reason than the fireworks" Johnny said. Looking a little confused at him with furrowed brows.

"7, 6, 5"

He slowly untangled himself from me, as we moved to look at my profile and taking his right hand into his trouser pocket. I turned to look at him with a smile and seeing he looked at bit nervous.

"4 , 3, 2"

He got on one knee and took out a small box out of his pocket, opening it to reveal a silver ring with a small brand and a heart shaped iris together with a smaller heart diamond beside it.


"Y/N, will you marry me?"

The clock hit the first tick, fireworks flying into the air, exploding and beautiful colours painted the black night sky.
In that moment everything stopped, like somebody paused time, looking down at Johnny his face being illuminated with the bright colours, being in quiet the shock that he popped the questions, silent happy tears came to my eyes, my mouth covered with both hands.

He looked up at me with big eyes and hope streamed from them, as well as anxiety. I started nodding my head vigorously and came down to his level. His eyes filled with glee and a relieved breath escaped his lips.
"Yes, I will marry you." I said with a little lump in my throat.
He took the ring out and placed it on my finger, looking down as he did so. It fitted perfectly, it was so beautiful and I couldn't imagine the future that is now ahead of us.
We stood up together, hands in hands. They let go and his hands placed themselves on my hips holding me close to his body, mine snaked around his neck,

He leaned in as I did and our lips collies in a loved and passionate kiss, his warm lips against my own as they moved in sync, he softly grazed his tongue against my lip asking for entrance. Opening my mouth a little more giving him access a small moan from me made it into the kiss, he responded with a low groan that vibrated into his lips.

After a minute we pulled back for air, and looked each other in the eye. Seeing nothing but love and joy for the future and for each other.

"Happy new year, love. Soon to be Mrs. Depp" Johnny said as the sky once again lighted up with fireworks and rockets that exploded with the most beautiful colours.
"Happy new year, Johnny" I said with a big smile on my lips.
Our foreheads touching, the breeze hitting us  a little, we started to softly sway back and forth slowly and enjoying the new start that the new year brings.

Word count 829
Chapter 26


December imagines - Johnny Depp Characters x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now