December 7th

407 5 0

Edward Ratchett

"Edward, dear. Would you please sit down for just a moment" I say to my boyfriend that is passing the floors and waiting for an important call from his assistant McQueen.
"Not now, darling. I can't everything about this trip to Italy is making me anxious" He answered still walking back and forth Infront of me in our living room. I sat on the red velvet couch that is placed Infront of the fireplace in the living room. 'You anxious, this is bad' I thought to myself, he is never anxious.
"Edward, please sit down you are making me sick with all your walking back and forth it's like being in a Paris wheel or something, would you please sit with me and relax for a little while, did I have to mention it is the 7th of December today" I said to him and looked at him with pleading eyes, laying the magazine on the small coffee table beside me. Edward stopped and looked at me with a puzzled look and deciding against his anxiousness to sit down beside me on the couch, after taking a glass of scotch from the minibar, that was placed behind the couch's back. "What is special about today, dear" He asked sitting down, with his arm over the back of the couch and placing his hand just behind my head.
"Five years ago, we went on our first dinner date, that you invited me on" I said with a small smile slowing appearing on my lips. His chocolate brown eyes lighted up a little with the memory of that night and his forming into and "O" shape.
"I remember that night, you looked absolutely stunning in that f/c dress. And I remember that you gave into my charm and kissed me" Him making eye contact and holding it as he spoke, taking his hand up to cup my face.
"Oh, so you do remember the 7th of December" I teased him leaning into his touch and taking my own hand up to hold his hand and give a little kiss.
"Y/N, darling. Thank you for this and everything else. I want to a apologize for being distant and focusing on work again and not being with you." He said as he looked deep into my y/e/c eyes, his words melting my insides, 'If you knew, how much you affect me' I thought to myself as he spoke.
"Edward, dear. That is why we fit together, you overthink to much and I know with your past you have to be careful, but know this I am here not matter what and you can't live without me" I said with love and a bit of playfulness skimming though my voice. I leaned in, as did he his eyes going from my eyes to my lips, our lips met, his perfect heart shaped against mine, our lips moved slowly in sync, making the kiss passionate and loving. His hand still cupping my cheek, mine on his chest, just tugging a bit on his vest giving him the hint to deepen the kiss. We broke for a brief second to catch air and he sat his glass down, taking his hands to my waist making me move to sit on his lap. Our lips met jet again this time even more passionate, and more desire filled craving for each other. His hands going up and down my sides, giving me shivers by the simple touches from him. I moved my hands from his chest, so would be even closer to each other if that was even possible, my hands running up to his face and neck holding his head in my hands, feeling his structure and beautiful features. His tongue asking for entrance, giving into him making me moan into his mouth as his tongue explored the familiar territory of my mouth.

Ring, ring..

It suddenly sounded, making us both stop everything that we had going on, the telephone call Edward had been waiting on from McQueen. "Damm it, can't I ever have peace and quiet" I heard Edward mutter to himself, I chuckled at him as he moved me from his lap placing me in my previous spot. He stood up and walked to the telephone that stood in other corner of the Livingroom, answering the phone "Yes, McQueen" He said in a rather irritated voice from being disturbed. I laughed a little at him taking my magazine and reading in it as he finished the talking to McQueen.

"So, how is the trip coming along" I asked as I heard him end the call, slamming the phone down. "Fine, but I think you and I have unfinished business" He said slowly walking over to the couch. I sat up looking him in the eye, before I slowly raised myself up to stand. "Do we" I asked with a playful smirk on my lips , slowly making my way backwards around the couch seeing him coming closer to me. But I was not gonna let him have me that easily. "Are you going to give in to me, darling or will I have to punish you later" I asked as we both moved slowly around the couch. "That will depend on if you catch me" I said making my way a little bit faster to the door, and setting into a sprint as I got out in the hall running up the stairs to our bedroom. "You, Y/N, darling are in big trouble" I heard him yell as I ran to the bedroom, and running into our connected walk-in closet. I waited a minute or something, before I slowly walked into the bedroom, looking around and listening for his footsteps. Suddenly, the door clicked and I saw him standing there going straight to me, gasping be the surprise I tried to get away only for him to catch me from behind "Gotcha. Now Darling, you are in big trouble for running away from me" He said, feeling his breath against my neck making shivers going down my spine. 'Just the thing I was hoping for' I thought to myself, tuning around in his arms, only for him to crash his lips on mine and making us both fall onto the silk sheets of our shared king sized bed. And that night was magical, just as the night 5 years ago, when we first kissed and had our first date. December 7th.

Word count 1082
Chapter 7


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