December 12th

371 3 1

Gator Lerner

It was late in the evening and I was home alone, in my apartment with my dog, an English bulldog puppy, Jack. Laying on the sofa, with a bowl of popcorn and a plate with brown sugar Christmas cookies, all cuddle up with a blanket and Jack laying in my lap. The TV turned on with my favorite Christmas movie.

I was thinking of Gator as I stroked Jacks four, I haven't heard from in a couple of months. He is a soldier fighting in Vietnam, I was there the day that they went to the airport and to fly off to Vietnam, I was proud and heartbroken at the same time. He was going to something, but I didn't have the influence from him, that the American army was going was going to something great for the conflicts in Vietnam. I was so sad and heartbroken, because it was unknow when I was going to see him again. I waved goodbye at him, as he got on bord on the airplane.

Remembering that day, made me eyes swell with a couple tears making my vision blurry. Pulling myself together again, drying my cheeks with my hand. "Should we get to bed, Jack" I asked my almost sleeping dog, slowly sitting up and stroking his head a little signaling for him to get up. He got of my lap and stretched his body looking up at me with his big eyes. "Yes let's go to bed" I said to him, standing from the sofa, folding the blanket, taking the popcorn and cookies into the small kitchen, setting it on the counter, thinking I would do something about it tomorrow. Hearing Jacks paws following right behind me, smiling softly to myself and feeling my eyes getting more and more heavy. I filled up his water bowl, switch of the lights, walking into the Livingroom and turning off the TV.

Heading to the bedroom, switching on the lights, walking over to the bedside table and turning on the little lamp. Jack drank a little from his water and walked after me into the bedroom, and straight going over to his big fluffy pillow in the corner of the bedroom and falling straight into dreamland. 'I wish that was me, just going to sleep like that' I thought to myself walking into the little bathroom that was connected to my bedroom. Going in doing my nightroutine, cleaning my skin, brushing my teeth, changing into my silk nightgown. Switching the lights out as I was finished, going over to my bed, getting under the covers. Turning off the lamp on bedside table.
"Goodnight, Jack. Goodnight Gator" I whispered out in the room, falling to sleep thinking of Gator, hoping and praying he was still alive.

In the middle of the night I felt a hand softly caressing my check and a voice softly calling my name. I groaned thinking it was all a dream and I was to tired to wake up, slowly I felt a pair of lips along side my neck, I opened my eyes slowly and I couldn't believe the sight in front of me, my eyes started to water and I began to sob taking my hand up to my lips to stop the sobbing. I sat up and leaned against the headboard.
Gator was sitting in front of me, in the apartment in our bedroom, on the bed. He looked as handsome as ever, as I could see through my teary eyes, he had his arm in a sling.
"Hi, honey. A little early Christmas present" He said moving over to me and holding me close to his body, to calm me down, I had missed him so much and seeing him here with me was unimaginable. I calmed  down a little feeling so safe and good finally being in his arms again. "God, Gator. I have missed you so much, and not a minute since you left I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Praying and hoping you would come back to me" I said breaking our embrace slowly and taking his face into my hands examining his face, making sure he didn't have any other scars or injuries. We looked into each other's eyes, his big brown orbs I have missed so much to look into. He looked from my lips to my eyes and back. I stated to lean in, wanting to taste those lips of his, missing the touch of them on my own lips for months. He leaned in to and out lips met in crashed into each other, locking over and over again. His health hand going to caress my jaw, my hands finding their way to his, make them self familiar again with his brown locks.
Our lips meeting over and over again, his tongue pressing against my lips asking for entrance, giving into his request and moaning into the kiss, our tongues dancing and fighting for dominance. Him winning, as he a low groan came from his throat.

We broke from a couple of minutes after a hot make out session, our foreheads touching. "Y/N, baby. I missed you so much and I am so sorry I couldn't write to you, and give a reassurance that I was alive" He said giving me a last small peck on the lips, and laying down beside me and his head facing me as we looked into each other's eyes and only seeing the love we have for one another.
"Gator, you don't have to apologize, now that you are here everything is alright and I know that you are safe here with me" I said cuddling up to him and laying head on his chest.
"I love you so much, baby" He said and kissing my head. "I love you too" I said
Suddenly a little woof was heard, followed by a sound of paws walking on the bedsheet covers. And there was Jack greeting his parents. "You bought a dog" Gator asked with a big smile on his lips.
"Yes, I really don't hope you mind. He is and English bulldog and I named him Jack" I said as Jack walked up to us and laying in Gators stomach. "No problem at all baby, he is very cute and I like the name very much, it fits him" Gator said stroking Jacks four.
"I am glad you like him" I said. Taking my hand and placing it on Gators, Jack nuzzled himself closer to us and we all fell asleep. And I finally had my boyfriend Gator back to me and staying never ever going away again.

Word count 1110
Chapter 12


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