December 9th

418 6 0

Mort Rainey

"Y/N, honey where are you" mort called out as he entered the cabin. "Upstairs, Mort" I called out to him as I walked over to the top of the stairs making myself visible for him.
He came into the living room seeing me at the top, smiling up at me with a brown grocery back in his arms. Going up the stairs and giving me a sweet kiss, god he has only been a away for an hour and I still
missed him. " Hey doll, I didn't take too long, did I?" He asked after breaking the little kiss. "No, but I still missed you and she wasn't to difficult putting to sleep while you were gone" I answered him as he sat the back down on his desk that stood beside the staircase, I rubbed my arms tiredly on the soft cotton y/f/c pj, that I bought last time I went into town.
He pulled me into his side hugging me and kissing my temple softly, I inhaled he scent the smell of books, leather and oak tree.
We walked into our shared bedroom where our 6 month old daughter was sleeping in her little crib beside our bed. We looked down at her in awe, I could see so much of Mort in her, the thick caramel locks and those heart shaped lips. 'How did I become so lucky' I thought to myself, feeling Mort's hand going up and down my spine in a slow rhythm up, down, up, down. "How is that she just sleeps without waking up, except when she is hungry during her sleep" Mort said more to himself than to me, but I just chuckled at bit and lead us out to the stairs taking the baby alarm from the dresser before going downstairs to sit on couch and relax before our daughter woke up to eat.
Mort sitting down right next to me and turning on the television. "Oh, this is just what I needed, just relaxing for a little while" I said feeling my eyes getting a little heavy and cuddling up to Mort's side and hugging his arm. "You just take it slow and relax sweetheart" Mort said and kissed the top of my head.
About an hour later I awoke from my slumber, 'I most have fallen asleep' I thought sitting up on couch, 'Mort most moved me and put a blanket over me' I thought smiling to myself.
"Hey sweetheart, look who is also awake" Mort softly said coming down the stairs with our daughter.
"Both you and mommy had a little nap" Mort cooed at our daughter coming over to me and sitting down.
"Hallo darling, did you sleep well" I asked her and taking her in my arms. She began to grab my shirt and I took her hint and moved her up to the right possession and began to feed her.

"You, honey are the best mother in the world, our daughter couldn't be luckier, than having a mother like you. And the best part is she looks just like you" Mort said looking lovingly from our daughter into my e/c eyes, seeing the happy tears pickling from the corners of my eyes. "Mort, you are making me all emotional and you are a wonderful father to our little bundle of joy here. And I think we are handling this parenting thing pretty good." I said to him, slowly wincing as she bit me a little as she ate. "You're a little biter like your daddy" I cooed to my daughter in a baby voice while having a smirk on my lips. Mort chuckled at me and stroked our daughters hair. 
She finished eating and Mort took her up to burb her, while I fixed myself. 

"Oh, look out babygirl, it's beginning to snow" Mort said walking over to the window doing so she could see the snow outside. She giggle a little at it and gave a cute smile to Mort, making his lips curl into a big smile as well. 

"It's so beautiful, I think she is gonna love Christmas" I said walking over to them standing beside Mort and hugging his waist. "I know she loves it already, and by the way for a Christmas present for her, I am writing a book about her first Christmas" He said with glee glowing in his eyes, as he took her of his shoulder to hold her tight with her eyes facing the window so she could see more of the snowflakes making her giggle once more. 

"We are gonna make her first Christmas memorable, even though she won't remember it. With all of our memories written down, she will always have it and we can read it to her every Christmas" Mort said as I leaned up against his shoulder and taking my hand from his waist to let it snake up to his hair and let my hands go through his blonde locks. My other hand going in front of Mort to stroke my daughters head. 
"That is amazing Mort, I love the idea. But I love you and our daughter more" I said leaning up to give Mort a kiss, he leaned in too so our lips locked in a loving and sweet kiss. 

Our daughter started to whine as we slowly pulled back and we saw the love in the eyes of one another, we both chuckled at her and Mort lifted her a little up. "You can't always have your mommy to yourself" Mort said as he kissed her chubby cheeks many times. 

"God, you two" I said hugging them both and giving both my daughter and Mort a big sweet kiss on the cheeks. 

Word count 956
Chapter 9 


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