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Hey hi hello! I know it's been a bit since I actually wrote a new story or chapter, sorry about that! This chapter is kind of imagining what happened during the end of the after party plus a bit of a quick story about Jen meeting Cleo 🥰

April 10th 2021
The whole cast were on the sets celebrating finishing the reunion, eating cake, dancing, laughing and just taking each other in before they had to part ways again.

The last couple of days were some of the most fun, emotional, happiest times they've had in quite a while.

In a way, they all felt a new sense of comfort.

The day before
They got to the sets, each coming in one at a time. First David, followed by Lisa, then Jen walked in.

Jen hugged Lisa, with her eyes going straight for the man standing there watching them:


David and her were potentially the two to talk the least out of the whole bunch, they both wanted to change that, but they didn't really know if the other felt the same way. With the endless zooms, it felt like they both wanted it, but being in person and being in different states talking virtually felt a bit different.

David came out of his thoughts as Jennifer approached him. He kissed her cheek, which almost ended in being a kiss on the lips because they were both nervous. He then took her in his arms and hugged her tightly.

God, it felt good to hug her again.

"Holy crap." Lisa said as she witnessed the two hugging. She was immediately overwhelmed by the spark she could feel radiating from them both. The fact that they both gave off this palpable feeling after all this time made a tear form in the corner of her eye.

When they pulled away, Jen immediately looked away from David and began sobbing. David and Lisa both looked at Jen with concern. She just shook her head.

"He got off the plane!" She joked, trying to lighten the mood of her sudden outburst.

If she was honest, she never felt so good yet so torn apart and broken while hugging someone.

Lisa and David also laughed at the reference.

"And I'd do it again if it meant seeing you two!" David replied, flashing his boyish grin that made Jen's heart skip a beat.

As the other 3 walked in, they all felt the same strong palpable feeling Lisa had felt between Jen and David, and it had stayed that way the entire time.

Back to the reunion after party

"So, you all feel it too, right? I mean, it's pretty hard to not feel it. At least it's not hard for me." Matt whispered as he nodded over at Jen and David, who were over talking to James and Ben. Lisa nodded her head "When she came in, she hugged me first, but I knew her eyes were glued to David. When THEY hugged? It was magical. I went behind David to look at Jen and you should have seen the love in her eyes! I don't know if she knew I was staring, or if they were back in their own little world like back then." Lisa had the biggest smile on her face as she took in the memory.

Courteney and Matthew nodded in agreement. "I know it's been 17 years, but is it bad that I STILL want them together? It will probably never happen given their history. But man, I would love to live in a world where they're a couple." Matthew commented as he looked over at the two again.

"I think anything is possible. They seem to still be in love. At least, Lisa and I know Jen is. They would never hurt each other now. " Courteney admitted quietly, Lisa just nodded and smiled brightly at Courteney, "Guess we have a new mission." Lisa joked.

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