Chapter 10

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Jen, Courteney and Reese all finished making their coffees before they sat at Jen's kitchen table. Courteney bit her lip in anticipation for what Jen would say.

"So what Does Reese know?" Courteney asked. Jen just shrugged and blushed intensely. "Just what you know. That I banged Schwimmer. It happened again after the time I told you about, though. We barely left my bedroom the last couple of days. We got up for food, take care of the dogs, shower together, have the greatest sex I've EVER had..." Jen put her head on the table as she said the last part. She lifted her head after a couple of seconds with the biggest smile on her face.

Reese squealed with excitement. Courteney just sat back in her chair, clapped her hands together and smirked. "So you guys are doing an FWB with the knowledge that you're in love with each other? Or are you guys an actual confirmed couple?" She asked. Jen just lifted her head and looked at Courteney with the saddest puppy dog eyes ever.

"WAIT YOU AND SCHWIM ACTUALLY CONFESSED?!" Reese shouted before Jen could answer Courteney's question. She just nodded. "Yes. He has a new show for Apple TV in the works. He bought a house over here for the sake of if he needs to be here to film and to just escape New York now and then. He would've asked if he could live here while he filmed, but he knows I am going to be in Hawaii in the new year, and he didn't want to be here all alone if filming runs that long. He also bought the house because: 'I kind of hate the fact that the woman I'm in love with is all alone over here on the opposite coast. It would be nice to change that." Jen said with a happy sigh.

Reese put her hand over her mouth in shock but feeling her heart flutter for her friends. Jen then looked over at Courteney, "To answer your question, CC, he asked me to be his life partner this morning." Courteney felt her jaw drop "WAIT JEN DOES THAT-?!" She asked excitedly, her brain thinking he might have found the ring, but kept that part to herself. Jen shook her head. "He didn't get on one knee, give a big speech, or ask me flat out to marry him. He read the interview where I said I don't want to be tied down to legal documents...If I'm honest, though, I would say yes to him if he asked me, no questions asked. Being with him feels right, being married to him would feel right, basically coming full circle. I think I said that I'd never do it a third time because I was afraid of another marriage failing because it's not him. I always hoped, but never imagined he and I would ever be together romantically."

Courteney closed her eyes, clearly disappointed, but still thrilled her friends were together. Jen then took a sip of her coffee before she continued "He was basically my work husband for 10 years. Even after we drifted when he started seeing Millie and I started seeing Brad, David was still my husband. It was only when he married Zoë and they had Cleo that my heart finally realized what we had was actually over, and that I would never have my chance to properly be with him... but my heart somehow never gave up. My heart never stopped loving him, it never fully stopped referring to him as my work husband, and I'm proud that I got to call him that. I'm proud that I got to work alongside him. He to this day is still one of my favorite men I ever worked with and I hate the fact that we've done NO other project together since then. Even after all this time, after all this heartbreak, David still feels like my husband or soulmate. Now more than ever, really."

Courteney and Reese stared at Jen as they both had tears in their eyes listening to her speak. "Alright, where's the tissues?" Courteney asked as she got up and started searching around.

David arrived back in New York about 4 hours later. He found his car, put his seatbelt on and started driving to Zoë's. On the way, he stopped at a red light and quickly turned on Siri from his dash.

"Hey Siri, call Mohammed." David requested. He then heard the phone ringing, waiting for Nick, his friend and Intelligence co-star/writer to answer.

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