Chapter 20

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A/N: this stories almost done 🥺 also I am having both Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Burrows in this chapter, and Burrows in the next, so I use their last names a lot to have you better understand which Jimmy, it's mainly Burrows though! thank you guys for 3k reads! It's kinda hilarious how I thought this story would end 10 chapters ago and HERE WE ARE 20 CHAPTERS IN. If you stuck around for the whole story, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking around and reading it. ❤️

The next couple of months seemed to have gone by rather quickly. Jen and David were able to keep their romance on the downlow. Appearing in public a couple of times, keeping things 'platonic' in public. Lovey and sexy behind closed doors.

It was December 6th. David and Jen were sitting in her kitchen, eating lunch, with Jen going over her lines for tomorrow night's show. She looked up at David, ocean blue eyes meeting Chocolate brown.

She walked over to him, sitting herself on his lap.

"You're coming to rehearsal tonight, right?" She asked with a flirty smile. David kissed her gently "How can I not be there? It would be nice to meet some of these people, see some of them for the first time in a little while. Think the Jimmy's will be there? Would be nice if we could tell Burrows, maybe even make it official with the world." His question caused Jen to immediately nod her head.

"They're supposed to be, along with Norman. I'm kind of nervous knowing Burrows is going to be there tonight. I don't know why, but I am. Probably because you'll be with me, and not as JUST my friend." Jen felt her stomach doing flips just thinking about the fact that Jimmy Burrows, the man who initially told her and David to keep their relationship completely platonic, would be at tonight's rehearsals.

Jen thought that was kind of ironic, since this was way more than just a simple friendship at this point. Though that was also a comment from 25-26 years ago? She was nervous, but also excited to tell their dad, and the world, about them.

"You're 100% positive you want to do this tonight? I'm ok with it, I just want YOU to be sure."

"Honey, we've been together for 3 months. I wanna shout from a rooftop that I'm in love with you and have been for half of my life. I WANT the world to know I'm the luckiest man on the planet. The worlds been waiting 25 years for this." David's face lit up as he smiled brightly.

Then he moved Jen and got up, going to his jacket on the back of his chair and pulling a box out of his pocket.

Jen looked at him a bit confused since she didn't quite see what he had taken out. He got up, then stood next to her and showed her the box. Jen's jaw nearly hit the floor as she simply saw the box.

"Besides, it would be fun to start engagement rumors next." He joked before opening the box, showing her the ring.

The woman looked up at him, smiling ear to ear. "How did you find it?!" She asked, her heart racing profusely.

"We can thank Cleo. That kid literally hid the ring after I hid it because she thought it was some 'heirloom' of the family and she didn't understand why Zoë wanted me to get rid of it until I told her that story." David explained. Jen's heart swelled as she imagined a young child trying to hide something so valuable.

He took the ring out of the box, Jen lifted her left hand as he did so, which just made David chuckle.

"Other hand, love." He requested.

Jen just shook her head. David furrowed his brow at her, confusion took over, but that confusion soon turned to shock as he noticed Jen getting down on one knee.

"David, I spent the last 30 years wanting to know every aspect of you. You went from a man I saw on a stage and immediately crushed hard on you, to one of my best friends and someone I fell head over hells hard for, to an ex friend, to this. You and I have had so many laughs, cried so many tears. If I had to do it all again, I would do stuff differently of course. I would make sure the first time I ever got married, it would've been to you. I can't go back and change what I've done, we can't go back and change anything we did. We're in the here and now. 27 years later, and I'm even more in love with you." Jen had tears streaming down her face. David felt his own eyes getting teary, so he blinked quickly to try stopping it.

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