Chapter 21

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"Well holy shit. Kimmel said you brought a plus 1, I didn't expect it to be Schwimmer." Burrows said, a chuckle escaping his lips as David slowly turned around.

He smiled at the older man and gave him a hug. "I've been back and forth between Cali and NYC. I'm partially living here again, since September. I've just been working on Extrapolations, which should be wrapping in a couple months, and decided to get myself a little place to 'escape' to when NY is a bit too much." David explained, which made Burrows laugh.

He then ushered them to a more disclosed area so they could chat more privately.

"You're showing your age doing that, Schwim!" He joked when they reached the dressing room, which was now unoccupied. The joke caused Jen to laugh. He then shook his head "In all seriousness, I'm glad you're keeping yourself busy. Times are rough nowadays, with the pandemic and whatnot. I'm also glad the two of you seem to be close again." He noted, pointing between the couple.

Jen looked over at David and smiled at him as she thought about the last couple of years and how they managed to find their way to be here of all places. Not only in each other's lives, but being life partners.

Burrows then spoke up again:

"Listen. Jennifer, David, I really feel like I should somewhat apologize to you two. In a way, I'm not fully sorry I warned you guys to not be romantically, sexually involved. What the 6 of you had was something I had truly NEVER seen in a cast before. You guys were so tight knit from the beginning, I was afraid of that being ruined by you guys hooking up with each other. You were young, horny adults.

However, I am sorry for all the pain my warning ended up causing you guys. By the later seasons of the show, even I started to ... what do kids call it these days? Ship? I started to support the idea of you two being together. By the time I had the courage to say anything, David was seemingly in a serious relationship, and Jennifer found her first ex husband.

I never fully forgave myself for that. Knowing I caused that pain, knowing you guys barely spoke for 12 years after, knowing you were both emotionally damaged because of that drift...I still feel so much regret.

I'm sorry, Jennifer, David"

Jen smiled at the man. "While it did do a number on me emotionally, life works in weird, wonderful ways. I never hated you for it." She admitted with a small smile. David nodded his head in agreement

"Hell, Burrows, I wouldn't have done Will & Grace if I hated you. I wouldn't have shown up to that tribute for you if I really hated your guts. Like Jen said: life works in weird, wonderful ways." David then gently took Jen's hand, squeezing it just as gently before he looked at her and smiled.

"Life pulled us apart to bring us back together...brought us back together, and in ways I never expected." He finished. Jen just smiled and blushed.

Burrows looked at David a bit confused for a second, then his expression dropped.

"I-is this your way of telling me you're together?" Burrows asked, doing his best to not get too excited. Jen's smile grew, then she faced David, and without hesitation planted a soft kiss on his lips before hugging him.

The older man took out his phone and snapped a picture of them, which just caused them to laugh.

"Listen, you finally get redemption and I NEED to treasure this for the rest of my life. You're my kids, no matter what. I love you both so much. Actually, before we actually get to rehearsals, can we get a picture? I won't post it anywhere. Just a picture of a father with his kids." James suggested. David and Jen nodded instantly.

They decided David should stand in the middle, while Burrows was on one side, Jen on the other. He turned the timer on, then Jen got an idea.

"Oh, by the way, I'm not just dating Schwim. We just got engaged!" She announced which caused the man to look over at her in complete shock, David and Jen just stood there laughing as the photo was being taken.

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