Chapter 4

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Hey hi! This chapters on the shorter side due to it being originally part of chapter 3. I like trying to keep chapters on the low 2k word range, so I had to cut this into two parts (though I know I've gone to the high 2K range with the prologue LOL) 🥰

Jen sat there in shock. Her brain was trying to process what she had just heard.

She slowly got on her feet, and slowly walked toward Matt. When she approached him, she held her hand out. Matt stared at her, almost a little worried, but handed her the papers.

Sure enough. Matt was not lying.

Courteney looked over Jen's shoulder and read the document with her while everyone else got up to hug David. "The house is like 10 minutes from here, too!" Courteney exclaimed.

David chuckled.

"That was on purpose. I want you, Lisa and Jen to know you girls have me nearby if anything happens. Extrapolations is filming in NYC and Cali. I don't know how much travelling I will have to do, and I know I didn't have to just go out and buy a house here, but something about it feels right. Plus, I thought and think the show's filming might run into the new year. I will check on Jen's house if I'm around, but it would be weird to be staying here alone while she's in Paris or Hawaii. Cleo can come over with me when I'm working, or just when I want to escape NYC for a while. She's eventually going to hit puberty and probably be irritated with Zoë more." He explained.

Courteney laughed "Have fun when she hits puberty and hates you both!" Courteney's joke caused everyone to laugh a bit.

Jen looked over at David, who just stared into her eyes. "Jen, are you ok?" He asked, walking closer to her, sounding a bit worried since she hadn't spoken this whole time.

Jen slowly smiled from ear-to-ear, before nodding her head.

"I'm denial, I think. I mean...we're really getting you back? Even if it's only for a bit a few times a year?" She asked, her eyes sparkled with hope, love and happiness. David looked down at his feet, then back up at her. He rubs the back of his head, then he smiles coyly.

"I said 'Honey I'm home.' When I walked in this morning, little did you know I meant it. When I got back to New York after the reunion, a huge part of me was back here. I felt homesick. I didn't think I would miss LA, but I kind of do. After 17 years I want to at least live here part time again." David looked into Jen's ocean blue eyes, and it felt like she had the tightest hold on his heart, but this time he knew she wouldn't be letting go.

He then gently placed his hands on her waist. "Besides, I hate the fact that the woman I'm in love with is all alone over here on the opposite coast. It would be nice to change that. I also hate wasting time not being with the woman I love, ESPECIALLY since it's been 26 years." He confessed confidently. His confession caused everyone to look at him stunned - mostly for the fact that he finally told her he's in love with her, except James and Ben who stared at him completely shocked and Jen, who just looked at him amused.

Jen wrapped her arms around the man's neck and smiled sweetly at him. "I can't believe I'm getting and have the man I love back after all this time." David smirked at her "Do you guys mind turning around real quick?" He asked sarcastically. Everyone laughed, "Not a chance." Most of them said in sync, which just made David shrug. "Suit yourselves." That was when he finally let go of the nervousness he had left, leaned in and kissed Jen softly.

Jen reciprocated the kiss immediately, which caused everyone to clap and cheer. James quickly took a photo of the moment. He knew they would take their sweet time coming out to the world, but at least he can say he was there when it happened. Ben looked over at James, before leaning toward him.

"Wanna send me that picture?" He whispered in a guilty tone. James just laughed and nodded.

After a few seconds, David and Jen pulled away from their kiss. Both smiling from ear-to-ear.

"Not to sound too impatient, but I'm hungry." Matt spoke up after a few seconds. The rest of them laughed and agreed, so they finally got their plates and food, gathered around the picnic table, and just enjoyed themselves.

They spent the rest of the evening talking, laughing, taking pictures to upload to the internet later and just enjoying their time.

A couple hours later, everyone started to feel tired, but Jen shot up.

"Wait, before you all go, can we get a group picture so I can post it to Instagram?" She asked, trying to give her best sad eyes. All of them looked at each other and nodded before going over to the couch. David naturally sat on one side of Jen, while Matt sat on the other, and Lisa sat next to him. James, Ben, Courteney and Matthew decided to go behind the couch and crouch a bit.

As Jen was taking the picture, she felt David's hand go toward her lower back, which made her smile even brighter as she took the picture. After the picture was taken, she looked at it with the rest of the gang and they all awed.

"Jen, send me that picture when you can. My viewers won't believe me if I tell them the cast of friends invited me to dinner after I nearly killed them." James quipped, Jen laughed loudly and sent him the photo. "There, done." she announced, James checked his phone and laughed.

"Alright I love you guys! Have a safe trip home." Jen said as she hugged everyone. She already missed the group as they slowly left her house, but at the same time, she was happy they were finally leaving. Despite their kiss in front of everyone, Jen and David did their best to not act too coupley around the group beyond that point, though they had a feeling they wouldn't hear ANY complaints.

Jen finished putting the leftovers away in the fridge, she turned around and noticed David leaning over the island a bit, smiling at her.

"What?" she asked nervously, afraid she had something on her dress or something. David laughed, smirked then stepped closer to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, "I just can't believe how beautiful you are. I mean, I CAN but I also can't. Like, I've known you for 27 years. You think I would get used to the sight of you, even if I hadn't seen you in person in a while, just cause you're on TV all the time, but nope. You still somehow manage to take my breath away." She pouted at him before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.

Her heart had begun racing faster as they deepened the kiss. She let out a small moan as she felt his hand gently glide down to her butt, pulling her closer while their tongues gently danced. He started trailing kisses down to her neck, she felt her head fall back a bit, giving him more access. She started losing control as he worked his way behind her ear and kissed her pressure point. "You sure?" she whispered in a breathy voice.

He pulled away and looked at her. His eyes gave her the answer she was looking for, but he took her cheek in his hand, grazed it softly with his thumb and spoke up. "Only if you're sure. I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with." He smiled coyly at her. Jen looked like she was pondering it over for a second. "Well, Schwim, it's been 27 years. I think we're done waiting. It's long overdue, if anything." She replied, a smirk spreading across her lips.

David smiled as he felt his heart explode with happiness. He then pulled her in for another passionate kiss before picking her up and taking her to her bedroom.

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