Chapter 6

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Hey hi! I promise this is like, the only sad chapter in this story. I feel like JMT would've been a voice of inspiration, and originally thought of writing a story based on DM's between him and David. However, that was before his death in October. Anyway I guess this is kind of a nod to that scrapped idea? If any chapter in this story gets the least amount of reads, I truly expect it to be this one. I'm not offended one bit. I promise chapters after this will be funnier and happier <3 

Jen still felt the butterflies in her stomach as they approached the door, with David knocking gently, but also loud enough. Seconds later, a man wearing a Light blue shirt and black sweatpants opens the door. He smiles once he sees Jen and David.

"Hey guys! Come on in." James says as he steps aside and extends his arm to welcome them in. David looked over at Jen, who seemed to feel a bit better about being there, but still felt a bit uneasy.

As they all walked toward his living room, James looked over at the two and smiled "I'm really glad you tagged along, Jennifer. I know we haven't spoken much since the show ended, but I've admired you from afar and never took any offense to us simply parting ways. We left things on a good note. If anything, I'm VERY proud of how far you've come, and I'm proud to be able to say I've worked with the absolute best."

His words made Jen put her head down.

"Dammit! I told myself I was not going to get emotional!" She said as a laughing sob escaped her lips. James and David just looked at each other, then both approached the woman and hugged her tightly. She blindly wrapped her arms around one of the guys, which ended up being James, but she just gripped him a bit tighter once she realized.

David was the first to pull away, and he just smiled as he watched Jen and James. He knew Jen was nervous but excited to see James again, and he felt a weight being lifted as her mood seemed to change dramatically once they got there. James unknowingly closed his eyes, so he opened them and looked over at David, who gave him a sarcastically annoyed look.

"Oh good, Schwimmer's giving me the dagger eyes!" James joked as he pulled away from his hug with Jen. Jen looked toward David and smirked. "He'll be fine. He knows he's stuck with me." She said before sticking her tongue out at him. "Oh good you told her!" James replied, which just made David laugh and wrap his arm around Jen.

Jen just looked at David a little shocked.

"You told him?" she asked as she looked at him curiously. David did his lip smile that made her heart melt every time.

"Well, I told him about the show and about the house. Me being in love with you he figured out like everyone else did years ago. I merely just confirmed his suspicions about it, and confirmed that those feelings came back while we were all on sets doing the reunion, and that I realized they never really faded. If anything, they only grew stronger as the years went by, I just couldn't let myself believe that. Especially since you were married, then I met Zoë and married her. It was James who was the last little bit of motivation I needed to go through with getting the house." David explained.

Jen and James both nodded intently.

"I'm still surprised you two never actually went behind productions back and had an affair regardless. With how flirty you both were with each other, I would have swore you were dating or hooking up. It all worked out in the end, though. Even if it took a while. I don't think I have to tell you guys this, but don't fuck this up." James said with a goofy smile toward the end. David just looked toward Jen, shook his head as if to say 'Not a chance' and kissed her head.

They all then heard a buzz noise. James looked toward the door "That sounds like the coffee is ready." He announced before he began walking out. Jen just followed him, "I'll give you a hand." She suggested. James just looked at Jen and chuckled, "I'm not going to fall over and crash into shit like Gunther would, but thank you. That's very sweet of you."

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