Chapter 1

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*Storm's POV*

They have surrendered us again. I don't understand why they just can't give up. They are never going to catch me; I always find a way to make it out alive.

Even now, they are 15 and we are 5. And I am able to spot the escape route. The humans are stupid.

I signal to the others and burst forward. There was a huge gap between two of them, and as I burst forward the gap increased. Girl Power and Flame follows me through but when Beauty and Pride makes a run for it, the humans are prepared.

They throw the ropes around their necks, and my friends are captured.

*Simone's POV*

I wake up to something bumping into my window. There is a stupid bumblebee flying at it, trying to get out.

Groaning I look at the clock, and it's just half past six. How typical. The one day I can sleep a little longer in the morning a bumblebee wakes me up.

Since there is just half an hour until I am supposed to wake up, I get out of bed and take a shower. I spend a good amount of time in there, and when I am finished, I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

There is still thirty minutes til the bus arrives, so I make myself some proper breakfast. I find some eggs in the fridge and puts them in the pan together with some bacon. Then I find some bread and make myself a good cup of tea.

I put on my white Adidas shoes and pick up my backpack from the floor. It is fifteen minutes until the bus is supposed to be here, so I take a quick visit to the horses. I give them their breakfast before walking to the bus stop.

"Good morning, Simone" the driver smiles at me. I give him a small nod in response before finding my seat far back on the bus. I live very far away from the school, so my stop is the first in the morning, and the last one after school.

When I arrive at the school, I find my best friend Ashley. We have been friends since 9th grade, so about 3 years now.

I actually met her because I was selling my pony, Vito. He was getting too small for me, and the buyer happened to be her little sister. So, because of that I met Ashley and we clicked at once.

Before lunch I have math and history. The lessons pass slowly but eventually there is time for lunch. I put my books in my locker first, before I arrive in the cafeteria.

It is pretty much as every other cafeteria you see in the movies. Round tables scattered around the big room, and students occupying almost every table. In the middle we have the biggest group of people because that's the popular table.

I let my eyes scan the cafeteria until I spot a head of blonde hair sitting by itself. I grin and walk over to her. As I get closer Harper spots me, and waves. I wave back before giving her a hug.

"It's so good to see you again" I exclaim when I pull back.

"Same Simone, I feel like I haven't seen you all summer" she responds with a smile on her face.

I just shake my head in response while I find my lunch. The first week of school I always eat food from home, because I am not risking the terrible food the school offers. It's not bad every time but it is better to know the menu and then decide if it is good or not.

Harper is also one of my friends. She joined me and Ashely when we began our 11th year of school, and we have been friends ever since.

Harper looks at something behind me and tries to hide a smile. I turn around and sees an annoyed Ashley.

«You guys are not going to believe what just happened» she burst out before she even manages to sit down.

Neither of us dares to speak, so we just look at her, waiting for the answer.

«I had science now right, and guess who I had to work with? The Snob and his little girlfriend» she mutters with a deadly look. «And not like that was enough, that girl spilled chemicals on my new sweater» she continuous showing us her arm.

And there was a tiny hole that I would not have been able to see without knowing it was there.

I just stare at her in disbelief trying to hold back my laughter.

Ashley has always had a problem with one of the rich guys in our class, and that is why he goes under the name 'The Snob'. I have no idea why, but I find it very funny every time she talks about him.

After a while I am able to calm down, and Ashley doesn't look as mad anymore.

«Enough about that, what do you guys have now? » Harper asks breaking the silence.

«I have gym, and I am so not ready. Firstly no one have their clothes with them so the chance of doing something is minimal. But knowing the teacher, we are most likely going to do something terrible» I mutter as I look at my schedule.

"Omg I have gym now as well" Ashely says enthusiastically and gives me a high five.

"Lucky" Harper murmurs looking down at her own schedule. "I have geography with Mrs. Hansen" she continuous with a deadly glare.

Just as she was going to say something more, the bell rings and we walk our separate ways.

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