Chapter 7

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*Simone's POV*

School went by so slow today and I wasn't able to concentrate for even a second. My mind was constantly on the letter from The English Riding School

Ashley and Harper tried talking to me, but I wasn't able to understand what they said so they let me be alone.

My dad is not a big fan of English riding. Since he grew up with western that's his passion and have always told me that's the only proper way of riding.

Luckily, he doesn't care that I ride our horses that way, but that's only because I ride differently almost each time.

"The only way I'll accept English riding, and the people working with it; Is if they let the horses be horses. They have to use different techniques, and not force the horses to do fancy movements and jump high obstacles. It's a miracle there isn't more horses that have got their legs broken". That's the response I get every time I bring up professional equestrians.

I get his point of view and the way he is thinking. But people should be allowed to treat their horses as they please as long as it is not in an abusive way.

Hopefully my dad will see this some day as well.

I don't think he is aware that the school contacted me, so this conversation are going to be very exciting.

As they have occupied my mind the whole day, I have prepared some of the conversation. Been thinking of some good arguments, and how he can respond to these news.

The most likely outcome is that he'll tell me that he's not interested in something as stupid as that. And if that's the outcome I'll say that we can share our horse-knowledge with other people. And we have got the opportunity to get more people interested in western.

It's also a win -win situation for me, because the instructor I have been in contact with works for this riding school. So then they could actually come here and figure out Chez, and there will come more horses that I can ride as well. And the other farm has a riding hall, so I would most likely be able to use that whenever I wanted.

If he doesn't let me fully explain what the letter says I'll use a diverse approach. Then I'll play more on his feelings. This is the method I really don't want to do, but I do what I have to do. And because this is something I don't want to do, I have not found any arguments for this yet.

If he for some reason are open for cooperation, I will do everything I can to make him sure on that thought. I'll tell him I totally agree, but actually say that we have to be careful. That way he'll look at me as a responsible person, and see that I have actually thought about this thoroughly.

So I really hope that he'll respond like this, because if he chooses something else it wont be going well.

"Wish me luck boys" I tell the horses.

I have just got home from school and have given them some hay. It's mostly my task to feed the horses and muck their stalls. I don't complain but it would be nice to actually have a whole day of sometime.

I raise my fist to knock on the black, wooden door to my fathers office.

"Come in" his gravelly voice says from the other side.

I take a deep breath before entering.

He looks up from his computer for a brief moment before quickly moving his eyes back on the screen.

I feel so welcomed and wanted.

"Okay so I'll come straight to the point" I start while sitting down on the chair in front of him.

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