Chapter 2

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*Storm's POV*

The humans found our place. This is the second time since we moved here a little while ago.

We are currently on the look for a new place to live and to make faster progress we have split up. It's not safe because we may never be able to see the others again. Therefore, it is even more important so stick together.

Our hers is big, and one of few up here in the north. We have split up in four equally smaller herds, and even now we are close to 20 horses wandering together.

I am the leader of the herd, together with another mare. But after we split up, I have responsibility for the other 19 horses in my group. The responsibility is huge, but this is what I was made for.

A fun fact about my group is that there is not a single horse with the same color. That is something I find very funny.

"There are humans nearby" one of the horses whispers behind me. I quickly adjust my hearing to every little sound around us. And true enough, I hear their dark voices and the sound of hooves meeting the leaves.

"Keep together, and make sure you are camouflaged as much as possible" I command lowly. I throw a fast look backwards and everyone have lowered their heads and walk as carefully as possible.

I have trained them well.

I see a horse through some of the trees and stop with my head high. On the back there is a human, but it doesn't seem like she has seen us. By listening carefully, I know that there are no one else than this lonely human and horse.

The black horse looks at us and are about to stop. I quickly throw my head upwards before giving it a stern look.

It looks back uncertain but walk forwards without any protest.

"That was a close call" Girl Power whispers from behind me. I just roll my eyes and waves my tail in annoyance. Sometimes I wonder hos she isn't the one that has been captured.

When I am sure that the human is gone, I start walking again.

"We are going to split up now, everyone shall be back here when the sun goes down. I am leading one group and, Enter you'll lead the other" I tell the others when we arrive in a clearing in the forest. "I don't care who goes where, but make sure the groups are equally strong." I continue while sharing a knowing look with Enter.

It looks like he is going to shit himself, but he nods at me while keeping the eye contact. I blink slowly at him before turning around and make sure my group follows.

The most important thing right now is to find a place to sleep, hopefully near the water. We have been going for quite a while without water, and I can feel the exhausting in the group.

After walking for a while, we take a break to eat. There is not much good food in this forest, so we eventually have to find some proper food.

"Make sure you eat as much as possible, alright? We don't know when we are able to eat real grass again" I say to my group while they eat. I don't get a respond, but it doesn't matter. That means they are occupied eating and actually doing as I told them.

When I think they have had enough time we walk on further into the woods.

With the new energy we are able to keep a higher tempo and covers more area than before. There is some small talk going on behind me, but not very loud, so I am able to listen to our surroundings.

Suddenly I hear it. A river. I speed up even more and come face to face with the water.

Inspecting the area, I see a lot of hoofprints on both sides of the river. Of course, someone have to be here already.

"I think we have found our place" I say excitedly to my group. The only response I get are tired and empty looks. I roll my eyes before continuing, "We are not going to live right here, but we will follow the river deeper into the woods. Have some faith in me, I am not that stupid to camp where there clearly is traffic by other horses."

This lifts the spirit of the group, and there is more life in their eyes again.

We follow the riverbank, and deeper and deeper we get in the forest. It is getting late, but I am not going to turn around before I have a place for the others to rest.

Eventually we arrive in a pretty clearing, and I immediately know this is the place.

"Guys we have found our new home. Clover you will fix with the watch group while I am going back to get the other group. Huggy, you'll join me" I tell the group then look at Huggy.

The red mare is already looking at me, and happily trots towards me. I shake my head to myself and start on the way back where we came from.

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