Chapter 5

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This is just a filler, and I'm kind of sorry for that, but it's some background information and getting to know the girls a little better.

*Simone's POV*

"You have to be the craziest person I've ever known" Harper tells me as we walk towards the stable.

I have just told her and Ashely about what happened in the woods.

"I may be the craziest person ever, but both of you are the deadest persons if you share this with anyone" I tell them with a pointed look.

"Hey, I am not going to die. But next time you decide to do something like that, let me join you" Ashley laughs, surrendering by raising her hands.

"Yes!" Harper yells. "You'll have to take me as well" literally jumping up and down like a child.

I just laugh at them while shaking my head.

Sometimes I wonder why these girls are my friends. But they have "always" been there for me, and luckily, they are like this most of the time. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Harper the energetic and more childlike one, and Ashley the normal one with a weird sense of humor.

* * *

"Aren't you guys looking all fancy?" Harper asks when I arrive at the arena with Chez.

Today we are waring our jumping gear, so a black bridle and a jumping saddle. I also put on some tendon boots, fetlock boots and a breastplate. All in black of course.

For myself I wear a pair of dark brown riding boots, a navy legging, a black top with my back protector on top.

"Shut it" I laugh at her while smacking her arm before putting on my helmet.

"Hey, that hurt you know" she frowns before rubbing her arm where I hit her.

"I didn't know you were such a big baby" Ashley taunts from inside the arena. "It's almost like you play soccer or something, not being with horses almost each day"

We have a common understanding and agreement that soccer players whine way too much. Some of them would have made a big career as actors with all the acting they are performing on the field during a match.

"I am never going to be a baby" Harper shouts before chasing after Ashely who looks at her with big eyes, before she turns around and try to escape from Harper.

Rolling my eyes I just ignore them and start warming up.

Luckily for me, Chez is used to these two running around and yelling so he doesn't make a big number out of it. It's almost the opposite, he is really calm and collected.

Probably because he hasn't realized we are going to jump yet.

The girls eventually calm down and begins to prepare the jumping course.

I take Chez over some poles in trot and canter before doing some tiny fences to prepare him as best as possible.

He keeps getting more energy as we get further into the session and I have to hold him back a lot.

Jumping is his favorite thing in the whole world, and he usually forgets that he has to get me through the course as well.

So the few jumping competitions I have started with him we have been lucky to get through the course at all. There has been legs everywhere, and usually not more than two on the ground at the time, with the rest pointing towards the sky.

At home, he only runs towards the jumps. But as soon as we arrive at the showjumping arena there's a switch flipping in his head, and my good boy are long gone.

"He looks pretty good now. How does he feel?" Ashley asks from the ground when we finish the course.

"He is very forward, I can barely feel my arms but he is not difficult to control either. But no progress with making him wait a little bit for me. The jumps are amazing though, if he only could calm down a notch" I respond while trotting in a big circle around her.

"Have you tried anyone else jumping with him? Like someone that's actually professional and not us?" she asks further, studying us.

I make Chez halt in front of her before answering.

"Yeah, I have been in contact with the nearest riding school, and one of the instructors there. They would like for us to come to them, but I'm not interested in that. It would be fun to have a professional ride him, and maybe figure him out but that should be happening here in the first place" I tell her.

She furrows her eyebrows looking at the horse. I can literally see the gears turning her head, but she doesn't say anything.

"Well, I would really try to work for it. You both enjoy this so much, it's a shame you can't compete and show what you can do to others as well" Harper says from behind.

Ashley's eyebrows shoot up to the sky looking at me with big eyes.

"Did she just say something smart?" she mouths at me.

I smile and shakes my head. Those two.

"Thanks Harp, I know what I should do but I don't really have time with everything going on" I reply walking Chez around again. "I'll jump the course one more time, so if one of you could saddle up Space and give him a ride it would be nice" I continue, not waiting for an answer.

Harper jumps up from her seat and runs towards the paddocks. She has been captivated by him since they first met, so I am not surprised.

After finishing the course I take Chez out on a little trail ride in the forest to cool down. It's better than just walking around in the arena.

Since the meeting with the mare, I find myself looking towards every forest I see and wonder about what she's doing.

I hope that I'll see her again under better circumstances.

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Wordcount : 973

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