Chapter 3

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*Simone's POV*

I am so extremely bored right now. I am watching Teen Wolf, but I don't understand what is happening, so I just stare at my phone. Like it is magically going to do something extraordinary.

There's someone knocking at my door, so I pause the episode I am supposed to watch. My dad walks in the door with a letter in his hand. I curiously look at it before moving my eyes to my father's face.

I wish I didn't. I was about to open my mouth and ask what was wrong, but he beat me to it.

"What have I told you about taking mail like this into the house" he says annoyed while holding the letter in front of my face.

So, he is mas about some mail. That I have no idea what is about. He asked me to take the mail with me after school, so I did.

Apparently I was not supposed to take that one letter inside.

"I don't even know what that mail is about" I try to argue. This just makes him scoff before throwing the letter at me.

"Don't open it up. I just want you to look at it, so you know to never take something like this inside my house ever again. Understood?" he asks with a pointed look.

I look at the letter curiously to find out who sent it. Someone in out city actually. While looking closer on the backside I see a logo of some horses, but before I manage to read it the letter is snatched out of my hands.

"Well, now you are aware of how it looks. If I see this letter inside this house once more, no more competing for you" he grunts before turning around.

"Okay" I answer silently watching him with big eyes. He rarely is like this and that I appreciate.

Right before he closes the door, he looks at me, and his hard gaze softens a little.

"There are coming some horses in a little while, I would like you to be there with me" he added before carefully closing the door.

Shaking my head, I collect myself and change into a pair of jeans and my western boots. Before walking out of my room, I put my hair up in a low ponytail and put on a hat.

I make sure my phone is in my back pocket before walking down the stairs.

Our house is huge, way to big for only two people to live here. But that's how life is, and there is nothing I can do about it.

Our place is big. The house is kind of like a villa. I don't really know how to explain it, but all I know is that dad has worked on the house ever since he bought the place 20 years ago. It has been a long way, but he has inherited a lot of money from when his grandparents passed away.

He has also worked his ass of in the city to make his own money, all together while working with horses here at the farm.

The stable has always been the way it is today, he has only maintained it and changed the interior for a couple of years ago. It has room to 30 horses and have 2 tack rooms, one feed room and 2 wash bays.

Even though we have such a huge stable, there are only 3 horses here.

Dad has a horse named Space. He is a 19 year old American Paint gelding.

Then there is Sanchez, my horse. A 13 year old black P.R.E with white stockings on his back legs.

Lastly, we have a small Shetland pony named Bastian, he is 24 and is the company horse for the others.

I see a horse trailer pulling up in our driveway when I finally get outside.

Getting exited I jump down the stairs and run to where my father is standing. Once in a while we get new horses at the stable, but they usually stay for no more than a couple of weeks.

My dad comes out of the car and walks towards the trailer while an old man gets out of the driver seat.

"Is there something you want me to do? I ask, trying to get a peek of the horses inside. Which I don't succeed in.

"You can open the gates to the paddock, I don't want these in the stables" my dad grunts while opening the trailer.

I open the gates and look inside the trailer. It is two horses inside, one brown and a black. They must be wild horses. Their coats are dirty, and the tails are tangled everywhere. I even think the black one has a whole branch stuck in it's tail.

"We drugged them when we finally caught them. They'll most likely wake up properly sometime tomorrow" the old man tells me. "Originally we had 5 horses surrounded, but the other three got away because of that brown mare" he continuous looking darkly at the ground.

"Oh, that's too bad. I'm sure you guys will get them next time" I answer calmly faking a smile. I am not liking that they are capturing so many horses.

Even though I would like to work with some wild horses, I believe they belong in the wild. That's the environment they know, and I believe there's a reason as to why they keep to them selves and don't search contact from our horses and humans.

"Like your enthusiasm kid, if we only caught that brown mare we wouldn't need to capture all the others as well. She's stubborn, and way to intelligent to be a horse" he mumbles before walking away.

What a nice old man.

Dad closes the trailer, and the man gets in the truck and drives away. Dad gives me a look before walking towards the house.

I sigh to myself. I guess he is still annoyed about that letter.

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