Chapter 13

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"How are you feeling?
Do you like the show?
Are you tired of it?
Never mind, I don't wanna know"

*Storm's POV*

The herd have finally settled, and the area is mostly under control.

It has been silent ever since I found the grass field, and the other humans haven't been in the forest either.

We have taken turns traveling to eat, and we never went more than 4-5 at a time.

Hopefully the silence from the humans will last a little longer. We need a positive experience all of us right now.

Today we are not doing much. I am going to take some of the young ones out to the forest to teach them some stuff.

There's not that much to teach them since they learn most things while they grow up. Especially these kids, as they grew up during a very uneasy period.

But they have also got little time to spend with their leader, so they need to be aware of my signals.

I would also like to get to know them a little better. It's difficult to be one with the herd if not every member is included.

And that is one of the most important rules in the herd, everyone should be included and listened to. It doesn't matter what your age is, you are allowed to state your thoughts and ideas out loud.

It doesn't mean I listen to them. I rarely do.

It's just on my very good days that I am able to really communicate with others, and it's not often these days. This whole month have been terrible, and my mental health is absolutely ruined.

It got a little better after I went out alone, but that is all gone now.

I really just pretend to listen; I often know if it's something important after the first sentence. Sometimes I only have to hear 3 words to know nothing intelligent are getting through.

Huggy is fully aware of this, and some of the other mares. The stallions are way behind, but it actually seems like Enter is finally getting it.

He has just about turned 4, and therefore the "youngest adult".

And it's kinda bad that he understands how I rule that well. Take Ghost, he's almost 17 and one of the oldest. He has no clue how things work, but he is also one of the kindest and most including.

So even if he knew how I ruled, he wouldn't do anything differently. Usually it is him and some of the other "elders" that take the fillies and colts out.

But they politely asked me to do it this season, since they have looked after them almost every day the past month.

And I couldn't say no.

So here I am followed by 2 colts and a filly. I have no idea what their names are, but luckily, they have different colors every single one.

They look nothing alike, just like the rest of the herd.

Call it weird, but I absolutely adore it.

And it's not that I am not going to learn their names. I just don't know why I don't know them yet. Even though they have been here for almost a year, and one of the colts have been here for 3.

They really aren't that special. Or I am curious on the filly. She's a little bit weird, just like her parents. She's actually the younger sister of Huggy, so hopefully she has something great between her ears.

Then you might think that it's weird to not know the name of your best friend's younger sister.

But I cannot afford to treat anyone differently. No one likes those who treat others differently only because some are their friends, and some are not. And I am not going to be like that.

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