Chapter 14

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*Storm's POV*

"Here comes the sun do, do, do
here comes the sun
and I say
it's all right"

"Come on guys, time to get ready" I yell at the herd. We are supposed to go to the green fields today. And the herd is partly asleep still.

I have been awake for what feels like forever now, and my patience can't take it. We are finally going to travel as one.

The last time we were able to this was when we were escaping from the old place, and even then we couldn't be together without looking over our shoulders.

"Why do we have to go so early" one of them yell back at me.

"Don't listen to him. He's too young to understand" Huggy says coming up to me.

"He should know better than to throw comments like that" I scoff sharing a short hug with the red mare.

"Don't be like that, this is going to be a great day"

"Easy for you to say. You don't have the responsibility to get everyone there and back, sound and safe"

"The sun is shining, and there is not a single cloud on the sky. And everyone here trusts you"

I was about to but in, only to be met by a glare that dared me to say a word.

"As I was about to tell you. No one will blame you if there were to happen anything, we know that you aren't capable to protect every single one of us at the same time. It is our choice as well to go together with the rest today, and if someone was or is in doubt they'll have to stay here. You aren't making anyone doing something they don't want to do"

Her eyes warmed up slightly as we locked eyes. She knows every single insecurity of mine, it's scary.

And because of that I'll never let anyone else get this close. I didn't want her to get to know me this well, and I can't stand to think how another horse knowing all this, knowing what it would do to me.

"Thank you" I tell her silently before sharing another hug.

"Girls, don't do this to me. Never have I ever felt so excluded in my whole life" a dark voice whispers by our ears. He even had the audacity to nibble out ears carefully.

I'll give you one guess to figure out who he is.

And if you guessed him, congratulations.

"Enter, back down now" Huggy scolded him backing away slightly.

"No need for the temperament girls, I just feel like it's not nice to put on a show while the whole herd is watching" he playfully says. "Especially not when everyone is invited"

"Oh don't you dare start again. And you better behave" Huggy scolded him playfully taking some steps towards him.

"Or you would do what?"

And there they disappeared. Huggy chasing down Enter, at least trying to. They race around the clearing and over the river and back. Again and again, and again. When Huggy get close enough to catch him, Enter speeds up a little every time, making the red mare even more irritated.

I sigh happily just looking at them. They are quite adorable to be honest. And the herd appreciate the show.

Laughing can be heard every now and then, and everyone are starting to get restless, wanting to join the fun.

"Okay you two, that's enough!" my voice calls out and they come to an abrupt halt.

They come towards me, looking like kids who just got caught with their hoof in the forbidden grass field.

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