Chapter 8

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*Simone's POV*

It's been a couple of days since I had the talk with dad and he haven't contacted them yet.

I sent them a mail in response telling them that he'll contact them soon and got their response today. Unfortunately I haven't had time to read it yet.

I managed to oversleep today. I woke up 5 minutes before I had to walk to the bus, and I am not made for getting ready that fast.

So this morning was not the best, just awfully much stress and unnecessary exercising before 7 in the morning.

I only had time to throw on the first clean clothes I found in my room, before running downstairs. Then I almost forgot my backpack, but realized I hadn't put on shoes either, so I saw it the last minute after getting my shoes on.

Then I ran to the bus, as I went out three minutes late. Luckily I arrived about a minute before the bus, so I didn't have to wake up dad.

When I sat down on the seat I put my hair up in a messy bun since I didn't have time to brush it. And it does not look good to go to school with a bed head. '

Trust me, I did it one time. Never again.

Dad hasn't answered the school, and barely talked to me the past days. And that means I can't tell my friends about it either.

When they asked me why I was happy on a Monday, I didn't know what to tell them.

The only time it's acceptable to be happy on a Monday is if it's your birthday, or if it's a day without school. And my reason is not one of those. So I told them half the truth, that someone are moving in at the neighbor farm, and that means I have some place to ride during the winter.

Because the one thing our place doesn't have, is a riding hall.

And riding outside during the winter is almost impossible. The cold weather, early darkness and a lot of snow make sure of that. Not the best conditions to ride and really exercise a horse.

I have done it each year, but it's been a lot of hacking and a lot of walking. And that have again led to frozen toes and fingers, and misery.

"Earth to Simone" a voice says before a hand comes flying on front of my face. I follow the hand and look at the owner.

"Are you going to eat that or not? We're already finished and would like to get away from this place, but since we are such good friends we decided to wait for you to finish. Or me at least, Harper had to be somewhere else." Ashley talks fast looking at me with a pointed look.

I look at the sandwich in front of me on the table. I had completely forgot I bought it and when I look back at Ashley she looks disappointed back.

"You told me to bring you one if it wasn't that weird shit on it" she explains with a monotone voice.

"Ooops?" I ask carefully, making a puppy face. "And it isn't my fault you know, when I don't get my breakfast I am all over the place. And it's your choice to wait for me, I'm actually surprised you waited for me this long." I continue eating my sandwich.

And it's really tasty. A lot of ham, and cheese, and butter, and red pepper and cucumber. Just like they should be.

She just looks back at me and shakes her head, trying to hide a smile.

I smile to myself and look down at the table. Before she knows what happens I throw one of my cucumbers at her. It flies through the air and lands on the cheek.

She freezes and gapes at me.

"You did not just do that!" she erupts with a high-pitched voice. Her hand raises to her cheek and she slowly peels the cucumber of and holds it in her hand. Then she just looks at it.

I shake my head and are about to take another bite of my food when she moves. The cucumber flies through the air again, but I quickly dodge it and hear the sound of it hitting the floor.

"I don't think so, you have to be quicker than that" I tell her sticking out my tongue.

My eyes meet hers and we stare at each other before we both cry out in laughter.

The rest of the day passed by pretty quick and I'm currently sitting on the bleacher to our stadium. I forgot that I had gym today, and had no time to pack a bag before school.

Luckily my teacher was kind this time, and just gave me a warning instead of a remark. It's only the second week with school after all.

My classmates are playing soccer, or at least they try. There's not many that really are athletic in my class, and those who are, play selfishly.

After a while I get bored of watching them and finds my laptop from my backpack.

I wait for it to turn on and click on the email. With literally nothing else to do, I can just as well check the answer from the school.

How lovely to get an answer from you this fast Simone!

And it was apparently the right decision to contact you. We are excited to hear from you father, and we absolutely open for discussion around the cooperation. Our goal is to figure out the best solution for both of us! As you might have seen, we haven't been able to move yet, but we'll make sure to give you an alert when that happens.

Hope we see you soon!

Best regards

The English Riding School

I just stare at it for a while. It's not me they really want to talk to, and I think they said it pretty well in this letter.

But I have a feeling that they might try to use me to get to my father. More than they already have.

I hope that assumption is wrong though, we really can't afford another mishappening.

The school has a wonderful reputation, and they have many good riders in dressage, showjumping and cross-country. I follow the school on Instagram, and they have a lot of good results in competitions.

There are someone that competes in mounted games and driving as well.

Although I have stalked them on every social platform, I haven't been able to figure out what the owners look like. The only thing I know is that they are siblings, a woman and a man.

And that's about what I know about them, not even their names are shared. Just their surname.

And that's a big red flag and another reason I want my dad to actually meet them face to face. Because then I can come with him and decide what I really think of them then.

And the reason that my father hasn't responded yet are that he is unsure. When he's not sure about things he will think about them way more than necessarily, and prepare a lot of questions and other stuff.

But he might already know that he'll turn down the offer, and just delay the respond because he don't want to hurt my feelings or something.

Even though he does a lot from his own thoughts and ideas, I think I reached inside with this one.

Atleast I hope so, because I can't bear to holds this a secret for much longer.

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Word count: 1279

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