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Jungkook POV;

I'm feeling toxic. I can't kiss him. My lips hurt, more than that my feeling is hurting. I never thought he could think about me like this. 

Sure, I understand maybe he has insecurities that are why he is behaving like this but that doesn't mean he has to force me to have sex with him.

O, God!! What am I thinking? He has his full right to ask me for it but why my mind is thinking like this.

Leaving long breath, I pushed him lightly indicating to stop the kiss. I felt suffocating by the forcefully kiss. It's not like I don't want to kiss him, but the situation is not right. I have to go to the office to finalize some documents which will be required me in Australia.

He looked annoyed. But I tried to console him. Caressing his cheeks I pecked his forehead.

"Baby, look...Ummm...if you make it forceful, you will only get satisfied with your physical needs, not with your heart. Sure, I am ready to make you feel good but I swear I'm sure I'm not going to enjoy it truthfully. I'll only sleep with you, not by my heart. Not when you are this upset. Please try to understand me. Once I come back, we can go on a honeymoon. I want our first to be special and memorable, not with force." I tried my best to make him understand but I guess he is not convinced. 

He pushed me hard by my chest and dashed out of the balcony not before dashing my shoulder. I shook my head in disbelief, I breathe in and out so that I could control myself.

"FINE THEN I'M LEAVING!!! TAKE HOW MUCH TIME YOU WANT!!!" he shout and dragged his luggage out of the room, and left the room after closing the door with a loud thud.

Of...I hope everything will be fine.


Sejin pov:

Aish!!! This fucker always denies me. Fuck!!! 

Taking my phone out of my pocket I dialled the person who can reduce my frustration now.

"Hello, Tae I need you!!" I said as I sat in the taxi after loading my luggage. I can't hold myself with that dumb.

How can he not see my sexy body? People are dying to sleep with me. Here this idiot thinks twice just to kiss me.

Fuck....he makes me turn on even more by his attitude.

Soon I reached Tae's office. I saw him waiting for me in the parking lot.

Author POV;

As soon as the car parked in front of Taehyung, Sejin hopes off of the taxi and walked towards him. 

"What happens-?" before he could say further Sejin pressed his lips on Tae's and kissed him widely.

Tae gripped his forearm lightly and leaned back. 

"Let's go inside"



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