43. Destiny

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They ate their dinner. Jin was not ok with eating saying he wants to know how Jungkook found out he is Seokjin not Sejin, but Jungkook took an initiative to feed Jin who pout stubbornly saying he is not hungry but finally Jungkook got succeeded in his attempt as he feed his grumpy baby who ate the dinner sulking all the time making jungkook to smile and peck him now and then.

Now they settle on the balcony. Jungkook was sitting on the bean bag shirtless meanwhile Jin was settled on his lap facing Jungkook, his legs were wrapped around jungkook's waist.

"Now tell me!" Jin crossed his arms with a knitted eyebrows.

"Hmm...see baby. First you have to know that I love you only you not anyone else. When I said no one can separate us including your brother means no one!! Not even Kim Sejin. You just have to remind yourself that I'm your husband and only love you" jungkook took jin's hands and said looking at jin's alpaca eyes.

Jin's heart starts thumping with those words as he smiles knowing how much Jungkook loves him. He smiled and leaned forward, placing his head on Jungkook's chest, he hugged Jungkook's torso.

Jungkook smiled and wrapped his hands around Jin's body, kissing Jin's head he continued "from the first I was Confused between you and Sejin. But my heart always indicates that I only love you, not your brother. It always proved whenever I and Sejin tried to get intimate. It's hard to come to conclusions when you're with me and when you're brother but in my experience and sixth sense, you're with me whenever I hurt you" Jin looked up with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you" Jin shook his head as no and buried his face further in jungkook's chest.

"No..no..you didn't..." Jungkook smiled, kissing Jin's head and tightening his hug.

'this is the difference between you and your brother' jungkook thought, pulling Jin up as he made Jin look him in the eye. Taking Jin's hand in his he made them to place on his chest.

"You know what? My mind always led me to Sejin but I ended up with you, cause here this heart always led me to you, my destiny is you" Jin smiled as Jungkook continued.

"Seokjin, when I got to know that Tae betrayed me and left the country with company money I thought he was the only culprit but when I thought deeply about the situation then I remembered that company cheques are in my house, in my locker. No one knows the password excluding Sejin and me. Then I checked the CCTV footage of Tae's office......(sign)....there I found out Sejin and Tae had an affair. I was surprised and hurt, but that day you're in my office looking sad and trying to get me, everything synched in my mind with a doubt in my mind. I went through our marriage certificate and I found out that you signed as Kim Seokjin, not as Sejin. Then i came to the conclusion that indeed i married you not your brother" Jin looked down at his hand and then at Jungkook.

"I'm sorry, you have to go through this because of my brother"

Jungkook chuckled and took Jin's palm and kissed them "don't be sorry Jagiya. Because of him I got you. Because of him I found my true love who loves me not my body, not my money. Only me"

Jin nodded and hugged Jungkook as he closed his eyes, resting his head on Jungkook's crook of neck.

"Babe, you know what? You really tried your best to act like your brother but it went very wrong" jungkook smiled, kissing Jin's shoulder.

"Why?" Jin asked without lifting his head.

"Once I asked Sejin, where is the marriage ring. He said he lost it somewhere. But when I saw the ring in your finger I confirmed that something is fishy in this relationship. Then I tried to focus on your words and actions, then I noticed that you are always shy and caring towards me whereas Sejin is dead opposite of yours. Hmm..then he used to call me Kook, not Jungkook-shi." Jin chuckled.

"I thought he calls you Jungkook-shi, that's why I called you otherwise you would have doubted on me"

"Hahaha...anyway, and moreover he is not as soft as you when we got intimate. He is so bold and determined about what he wants. And one more thing I always observed that whenever I tried to kiss him and get intimate with him I always got a picture of you in front of me. It's always suffocating to kiss him whereas with you it's always made me feel comfortable and loved." Jungkook didn't get any reaction.

Jungkook looked down at Jin only to coo at the scene in front of him. Jin was sleeping with a pout as his hands were clenched around jungkook. He was looking like a small baby sleeping in the cradle comfortably.

Jungkook hugged him tight and kissed Jin's bread cheek "I love you Jin, you made my life complete and I'll promise you. I'll never let anyone to harm my family"

Lifting his husband in bridal style, Jungkook walked over to the bed and laid Jin on the bed. Taking a place beside Jin he covered their body with the duvet and pulled Jin on his arms as the other hand placed on jin's stomach.

"I'm waiting for your arrival baby" he whispered before kissing Jin one more time on his cheek and drifting to the dreamland.



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