Chapter Twenty Four - The Devl Comes A Knocking......

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Image borrowed of Google so belongs to original owner. It's such a cute picture of Kirst and his cats that I have used for this chapter.
Dedicated to T :-) <3
Please enjoy.

'Cats choose us; we don't own them' - Kristin Cast

'Like a fool, I went and stayed too long,
Now, I'm wondering if your love's still strong,
Ooh baby, here I am
Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.'

Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm yours - Stevie Wonder

Arthit shivers as he sits on his bed, wrapped up in a fleece blanket and listening to an audio version of 'A Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy' on his laptop which was on his table . Something that he liked to do when he was feeling sick. He had a cold and he wasn't happy about it. He'd lost count of the amount of times he'd coughed, sneezed and blown his nose this morning already. His nose looking very red and sore.

It was his own fault though. He'd gone out for a run last night and because he never really paid attention to the weather, he had only gone in a thin T-shirt and shorts and it had rained hard. He had ended up soaked through and even though he had showered when he got back, Arthit had still ended up with a high temperature and the 'sniffles' which had resulted in him now wrapped up while watching the two new additions to his household, play a game of 'pinning'.

He leans over and plucks one tiny cat off another. The little pink, sphinx cat with a black nose and two ears that look too big for his head, named Pluto, struggles at first, his small mews ringing out and telling his protest of being stopped from it's favourite game. He puts his nose into Pluto's neck and smells him. As weird as this sounds this cat always had such a nice smell to him. Turning him to rub noses, looking into his blue eyes he can't help but think that Pluto was so cute.

"My favourite little dwarf planet". He says softly.

Looking down he see's the other small cat, named Muffin, and a grey and white, short-legged cutie roll onto her back. Arthit lowers Pluto onto his lap and reaches to tickle Muffins tummy. He picks the tiny cat up , rubbing noses with that one too.

"My sweet little, chocolate chip".

He cuddles both cats in his arms.

He'd found them both through an add at a pets home. Both small cats had been abandoned by their mothers when they were tiny kittens, they had been placed together for company and because of this they were now a packaged deal. You couldn't take one without the other. This had caused them a bit of trouble because although Muffin was cute and cuddly, with thick fur, Pluto was not. He was hairless, causing people to be put off by his appearance. When Arthit had seen him, though, it was love at first sight. He found nothing wrong with the way Pluto looked and had adopted both cats straight away.

He strokes them both before feeling himself about to sneeze, he moves them away quickly. They both jerk at the noise.

"Daddy's sorry, babies". He says, cuddling them both again.

He hated colds. They always made him irritable.

Putting both small cats down, he reaches for a tissue from a large box and blows his nose noisily. Suddenly the bell on the intercom next to his door rings, so, sliding off his bed and wrapping the blanket tightly around him, he pads over to the door. The two small cats jumping down and following after him. Pressing the button, he answers the com.

"Who is it?"

A moment later a voice comes over the connection. The last voice he ever expected to hear.

"It's Kongpob Suthiluck".

Arthit's eyebrows go up and he looses them in his hair line as the blanket slips off his shoulders. Kongpob was here? Why was he here? Was it really him? And what the hell did he want? All these questions swimming around in his cold filled head making it ache as he presses the button again.

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