Hi readers.
Welcome and Enjoy!'dreams are nothing more than wishes and a wish is just a dream, wish to come true'
-Harry Nilsson The Puppy SongBright morning sun, shines through the window reflecting straight onto a pile of bed clothes and a body of a young man slumped on the bed, snoring. The young man stirs at the sound of someone opening the door to the bathroom, as another man walks out putting on a brown suit jacket and holding a newspaper in his hand. He flops on the bed next to the body and nudges the sleeping guy with the newspaper.
"Arthit, come on, wake up."
A groan of " go away ' and 'sleeping ' is heard as Arthit borrows further into the covers. He's nudged again, this time getting rolled over onto his back.
"No can do, it's seven already"
The words slowly penetrate his consciousness and his eyes snap open. Arthit jerks up into a sitting position and groans. Cursing, he looks towards the guy next to him who is grinning at him. His boyfriend Frank shakes his head , chuckling.
"You never change."
"Aren't you going to be late?" He asks, glaring. Frank leans over and kisses his forehead.
"Yes, but I was just reading this piece. Did you know that this whole company had to have solitaire taken off all their computers because no-one was getting any work done? Isn't that fascinating?"
Arthit hums and makes his way off the bed, heading to the bathroom.
"Name me one thing we gained from Technology?" Frank asks , following him.
Frank frowns. "Yes, That's one thing"
Arthit smiles at him fondly.
Frank didn't like Technology. He agreed that in some fields it was necessary. Medical and criminology being the top two but he had a theory that mankind relied on it too much and if we're weren't careful that it would be our downfall. He preferred writing with a typewriter instead of a computer stating that (people) could be watching you through those things. He owned a very simple phone that he called 'necessary'.
"And my editor wants me to finalise my piece today. Can you believe he agreed to pubish. " Frank grins, it is so contagious that Arthit can't help but to grin back.
"That's briliant. Congratulations!" Arthit leans in for a hug but Frank is already walking out of the bathroom.
" Yes, I know isn't it great. We will celebrate later, ok? What do you want to eat? I'll pick it up on my way home. "
Frank heads towards the door, slipping on his shoes and adjusting his tie in the hall mirror. Arthit watches as he leans against the door.
They had met, literally bumping into each other, while Arthit was coming out of his favourite cafe shop. Arthit had ended up spilling his drink so after they had both apologised Frank had bought him a new one, Arthit thanking him before leaving.
They met at the cafe a few more times after that, usually around the same time, becoming friends quickly.Frank talked about how he worked as a journalist for The Bangkok Post, how he had moved to Thailand for job related reasons and how he missed his family back in America. Arthit talked about being in his last year of the Engineering course he was on and how proud his father was of him.
It was one night one year ago that Frank had asked him out. They had gone out to a restaurant and Frank had surprised him with a single rose. Arthit still looks back on that night and smiles to himself. Frank had moved in with him after that and Arthit had been really happy until the night his father had died.

Mail and Gadgets
RomanceWhat if the person you message turns out to be your rival. A story of love between two people who find each other through E-mail.