Chapter Thirty - Sealed with a kiss

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Hi Readers,
Here it is the last chapter.
Dedicated to T.
My Chingu.
I hope you all enjoy it.

"My object then,' replies Mr Darcy, 'was to show you, by every civility in my power, that I was not so mean as to recent the past; and I hoped to obtain your forgiveness to lesson your ill-opinion.........".
- (Mr Darcy) Pride and Prejudice.

"Since the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses which have been rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind".
- The Princess Bride.

Kong had been all set for a look of confusion or bewilderment. He was even expecting anger. But whatever reaction Kongpob had expected it wasn't to this. To a smile so wide there was dimples and a couple of lines across the forehead. To a smile so bright it was almost blinding. Kongpob's heart was beating so hard. Arthit was smiling at him.

As Kong had turned the curve, there was a tall oak tree just next to the bench Arthit was stood near to, probably been sat on not long before and a sliver of sun light just brushing over the top of Arthit's dark brown hair. He was just standing from stroking Berkeley and had looked up suddenly when Kong had called the Retriever to come back.

Berkeley comes bounding back towards him, sitting next to him and he reaches down to ruffle the top of the golden head before clipping on his leash. Taking an extremely deep breath in and letting it out slowly, he takes another step towards Arthit and realises just then how nervous he was.

Taking a chance, Kong reaches out a hand to touch Arthit gently on one of the lines on his forehead and smooths across them with a finger.

"Don't smile too much, Gadgetboy". Kongpob says, softly. "You'll wrinkle".

Arthit brushes the hand away. Dropping the smile on his face for a moment.

"Why didn't you tell me?". He says. He sounds slightly dazed.

"I was going to, P' "

"You made me think I was talking to a complete stranger".

A slight pout appears which Kongpob wanted to smooth away somehow.

"I know I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you."

"When did you know I was 'Gadgetboy' ? How long have you known for?"

He should tell the truth. He should say he's known for months.

"For a while now". He says, sheepishly. "When we met at the cafe."

One of Arthit's eyebrows goes up and he exclaims, suprised.

"That long and you never told me?!!."

"I wanted to but the longer I sat in that cafe, watching your reaction to me being there, the more I had convinced myself that you didn't like me".

Arthit stares at him. There's a silent pause between them with only two beautiful, brown eyes looking into Kong's own.
"Your afraid!" It's not a question.

Kong nods. He lets out a sigh. "Yes ".


"I didn't want to stop talking to you. Because you said you didn't hate me but I wasn't sure if you saw me as a friend and I hated that thought. I was afraid, that if you knew who I was you probably wouldn't want to see me anymore, let alone talk to me".

Just the thought that he could loose this connection he had with Arthit scared him. That's what he was afraid of most.

Arthit doesn't look upset but he doesn't look too happy either. His smile is gone. The smile that had greeted Kong when he had first walked around the curve. Kong missed that smile already. He takes Arthit's hands in his.

"Look, I'm sorry I never told you. Can you forgive me?. I don't want to loose you. I don't want to loose the moments I've had with you. All those times I've talked to you. When we messaged forth and back. You gave me moments to look forward too. Moments when I just needed someone there. That I could talk to. I know I've done things that have hurt you in the past but you don't know how much I wish things could be different".

"You sound remorseful". Arthit says. There's so much intensity in his expression. Kongpob knew Arthit was studying him. Probably trying to work out whether he was being sincere.

"Oh! I am. You don't know how remorseful I am. I want to turn back time. I know that isn't possible but I really wish it was".

Arthit shakes his head.

"No it's not, and as P'Bertie keeps reminding me there's no point in thinking we can. 'What's done is done' as he says ". There's a soft smile on Arthit's lips and a fond look in his eye's. "And he's right".

Kongpob gently caresses the side of Arthit's cheek, feeling the slight raise of stubble. From afar you can't see anything but up this close you can just see the dark shade. He's wondered before what Arthit would look like with a bit of facial hair. It would probably make him look older but would slim his face and make him look even more handsome and maybe cute. Not that he needed that.

"Can you forgive me?". He asks, softly.

Arthit looks up, his eyes finding his and nods.

Happiness inside Kong bursts like an over-filled pipe and he smiles wide. He tries to move in closer, only to feel Arthit place a hand on his chest. Kongpob can feel the hand there. He can also see it too when he glances down. It gives off a firm pressure over the cotton shirt he had chosen to wear to meet Arthit, making his heart beat strongly. He is fully sure Arthit can feel his heart too because when Kong moves his eyes back up, Arthit has a slight tinge of pink in his cheeks.

"I have forgiven you already. I think I did for a while now but that doesn't mean I'm not upset with you". There's a pout again.

Kongpob nods. "I understand".

Even Arthit being mad with him won't change his mood now.

Kong reaches out with a hand. Smoothing a finger back along Arthit's forehead and tracing an invisible line down past the side of his head, his fingers dancing across the soft skin. He watches as Arthit closes his eyes and sighs, leaning into the sensation.

"I wanted it to be you". Arthit says, pressing his cheek into Kong's palm. "I wanted it to be you so badly".

Kongpob's hand goes down to rest against Arthit's chin, making him open his eyes. He hears Arthit breath hitch when he notices how close Kong had gotten.

"Can I kiss you?". Kong whispers. He is so close now that his breath ghosts over Arthit's skin.

The pink blush that had started to fade, appears again. This time as a darker dusting on Arthit's cheeks, his eyes drifting down to Kong's lips and he gives a nod.

Kongpob leans forwards and feels a gentle pressure of lips against his own. It felt so soft, like the brush of a butterfly wing against his skin and the small amount of warmth felt so nice that he closes his eyes. The sensation lasts just a moment before Kong pulls away, only for him to dive back in with a stronger pressure as he leans forwards again. The pressure of his lips harder and more rougher, and for another moment, it takes Arthit's breath away.

He could only feel. Nothing else mattered. The world around them both had faded out and although he knows they were stood in the middle of a dog park, in the late afternoon, where anyone could catch them, kissing, all of that didn't matter. All Kong could register was the feel of Arthit's lips on his, the feel of a hand resting on his shoulder and the aroma of spicy vanilla which he always associates with Arthit now, that was invading his senses.

Kongpob pulls away again and Arthit makes a noise of protest. Even following Kong's lips as he moves and tightening the grip on his shoulder.

The CEO has no words to describe how happy he is that they both don't want to stop. There's an explosion of butterflies in his stomach. Big ones that are flapping around like their dancing a jig in his gut. He's never experienced this before, not even when he was first dating Patricia and he's also convinced Arthit can hear his heart beating because he can hear it pounding in his own ears.

All Kongpob wanted was more. He can't help it. There was just something so intoxicating about kissing Arthit that makes him lean forwards again and captures his lips in a more passionate kiss. The tip of his tongue tracing Arthit's lips. Asking a silent permission which Arthit allows with parting his lips slightly to let the tongue slip in.

And there's an explosion of senses as his tongue probes the inside of Arthit's mouth. A surge of feelings which they both experience in that moment. Kongpob could feel the hand on his shoulder tighten and an intake of breath which he is not so sure who it came from.

They were just stood there kissing. Mouths moving in sync, just kissing.

But light headedness because of the lack of oxygen, makes them pull apart. Kongpob didn't want to but it was making them both slightly dizzy and as fantastic as it felt just to continue he knew he wouldn't enjoy the thought of either one of them swooning.

Although, the thought of maybe catching Arthit as he fell. Being the knight in shining armour.......No. Arthit was no way a damsel and he (Arthit) would kill him if he even voiced that thought.

He rests his forehead against Arthit's and they both smile as they stare at each other until the edges of their mouths start to ache.

"Hi, BK152". Arthit says, gently. He's breathless. Like he's just run a marathon. "It's nice to meet you!".

Kong lets out a laugh, just as breathless.

"Hi Gadgetboy, it's nice to meet you too".

-" So dear reader, it had started with a chatroom. Two people that needed someone to talk too but couldn't find that connection elsewhere and it ended with love so strong that not even Achilles or Hercules could break it. "-

The End.

That's it.
The End.
Well until the epilog's which I will do in January.
Thankyou to everyone who has voted, read and commented on this story.
I hope everyone found this fun to read as I found it fun to write.
Feel free to check out my other works.

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