Pictures taken off Google.
Sorry for the late update,
Dedicated to T :-) chingu
:-)"The most important things in life are the connections you make with others"
- Tom Ford
It had been a week since Kongpob had visited Arthit and Kong couldn't concentrate on anything.
All he had in his mind was the vision of Arthit while he was stood on his door step, wrapped up in a blanket sporting a red nose and watery eyes. He didn't know quite why but it had been one of the most endearing things he'd seen. The whole scowling look that Arthit had given him, had with his eyebrows scrunched up and his pursed lips, been lost because it had only given him a grumpy kitten look. He had looked so fully fed up that all Kong had wanted to do was to wrap him up even more in that blanket and comfort him.
He gives Berkeley a fuss when his head appears on his lap and he strokes the soft fur around his canine friends ears, thinking back to Arthit's expression when Kong was holding Pluto. The fierceness and protectiveness in his eyes when Kong was holding his cat. Although he thought it was very cute, he can relate. He knows that feeling because it's the same feeling he has when people are around Berkeley.
[ -I've been thinking and I think we should meet- ]
Kong stares at the words on his computer screen. He had just had a very long day at work and had returned to an excited Berkeley and a E-mail waiting for him. Just from reading the very short message he really wants to see Arthit again. To see how he was, whether he was feeling any better. He would take a detour from work just to walk past Arthit's apartment and look up to where the apartment window was but he could never find an excuse to go and knock on his door.
What if he just came out with something and risked reversing whatever progress he had made with Arthit? He wanted to make sure that he was putting ticks in the right boxes and not in any of the bad ones. Arthit confession that he didn't actually hate him had given him the hope and courage he needed. That was a step in the right direction and a hope that one day they will become something other then rivals and although at the moment Arthit couldn't forgive him, one day he hopes he can.
Kongpob looks at his computer screen again, reading the message and he couldn't help letting a smile spread across his face when he see's it.His next step now was to find a way.
[-We should meet and we will meet but I'm in the middle of a project that needs.......tweaking- ]
For the next couple of days Kong thought up a plan in his mind. Divide and conquer was his main objective. Not that he thought Arthit was a something to conquer but he was certainly somebody who he wanted to win, especially his friendship and eventually he hoped also his affection. He knew he would have to reveal who he was to Arthit sooner rather then later if he wanted Arthit to forgive him fully but not yet.
Why? He wasn't sure. He just knew he couldn't do it yet.
It was a couple of days later. A couple of weeks after the visit he paid to Arthit, as he walks down the busy Khao San Road, heading towards Blue Sky Cafe to pick up a well deserved Americano. He could of got one from work but he needed to be somewhere where he can relax more. Kong's mind was getting lost again in thoughts of what Arthit was doing now. It had been one of those weeks at work where he just couldn't concentrate on anything.
Nearing the cafe, he see's a familiar figure sat at one of the large windows. Sipping from a tall glass of Pink Milk, with a dusted doughtnut on a plate and a graphic novel held up in front of him, Arthit seems lost in whatever he's reading which brings a small smile to Kongpob's lips. He stands there for a moment, just watching the man through the glass who hadn't noticed him yet. ' He was there' his mind provides for him. As he stands there and watches, as Arthit moves a strand of his hair away from his eyes and rubs the end of his nose. He looks well. His nose no longer red. His cheeks both rosy and his eyes bright. Kong watches as Arthit takes another sip of his drink and gets a pink moustache across his top lip.

Mail and Gadgets
RomanceWhat if the person you message turns out to be your rival. A story of love between two people who find each other through E-mail.