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Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya were best friends growing up. When Izuku was pronounced quirkless, he started to get bullied by other kids. Katsuki always defended Izuku from all the bullies, which made their friendship grow stronger.

The parents were happy that their kids got along. They often joked that they would be in laws soon.

In middle school the bullying got worse. Katsuki still protected Izuku from all the bullies that came at him. During their second year of middle school Katsuki asked Izuku to meet him at the cherry blossom tree.

Izuku: "I wonder what Kacchan wants." he thought to himself while running towards Katsuki who was sitting by the tree. "Hey Kacchan!" he yelled while waving.

Katsuki: "Hey Deku I need to tell you something." he said nervously.

Izuku: "What is it? You can tell me anything." he said reassuringly.

Katsuki: "Ilikeyousopleasebemyboyfriend!" he said way too quickly for Izuku to comprehend.

Izuku: "I think he asked me to be his boyfriend. He was speaking too fast for me to even understand. I hope he asked me out I really like him." He thought to himself. "I'm can you repeat that slowly." he said nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

Katsuki: "I like you so please be my boyfriend." he responded with a face full of red blush.

Izuku immediately ran up and hugged him. He looked up to Katsuki and pulled him into a kiss. Katsuki broke the kiss first.

Katsuki: "Is that a yes?" he asked

Izuku: "It is silly." he chuckled

Katsuki: "Deku let's go home and tell our parents!" he said excitedly before grabbing his hand and running back home.

The boys told their parents and they were obviously excited. Both mothers started to talk and plan the wedding for the future.

Izuku: "I can't believe that they are planning our wedding." he laughed.

Katsuki: "Let them. It takes less work off our shoulders and we can use it as an outline for the future." he said before smiling at Izuku.

It has been over a year since they have been dating and now it's the end of their third year.

Teacher: "It seems like all of you guys want to be hero's!" the teacher says with a smile.

The class starts to use their quirk in excite me.

Bakugo: "Don't lump me in with these losers. All of them will most likely end up as D-listers!" he yelled while popping explosions in his hands.

Teacher: "Oh Bakugo it says that you are applying to UA. Don't you know that thief acceptance rate is low. You should also look at other schools." he said.

Bakugo: "I passed all the mock test that UA offers. I don't need to look at anything else." he said angrily.

Teacher: "Speaking of UA, Midoriya it says you are applying for the hero course there. Someone like you should try to apply somewhere else.

The class laughed at him.

"A quirkless loser like him!"

"HA... he is looking for death."

"He's such an idiot, let him die he's quirkless."

Izuku just stared at his desk. He just wanted to run. Run far away from here.


The class became scared and quiet after that. The rest of the school day goes on like normal.

Izuku: "Kacchan you can walk home without me. I need to stay back and do something." he said to his boyfriend

Katsuki: "I love you stay safe." he said giving Izuku a pec on the lips and leaving the school.

Izuku: "I'm glad that I have Kacchan in my life.  He's the best person in the world." he thought to himself.

Izuku was walking the long way home. He was inside a tunnel until he heard a voice from behind.

Sludge Villian: "Oh wow, you would make a perfect meat suit. Now give me your body!" the sludge said before going into Izuku through the nose and mouth.

Izuku: "S-some-one p-p-please h-elp m-me." he quietly cried out. "Mom, Aunti, Uncle I'm sorry. Kacchan, please become the #1 hero I love you." Izuku thought before everything went black.

Right when Izuku passed out a gust of wind blew the Sludge Monster off of Izuku.

All Might: "I need to get his boy to the hospital fast." he said in panic. All Might quickly put the villian in the bottle and went to the hospital. He gave the nurse his belongings so they can contact the family. All Might sighed and left the hospital so he can turn in the villain.

Inko, Mitsuki, Masaru, and Katsuki are at home worried because Izuku still hasn't came home yet. They were sitting in the living room in a small panic until they hear the phone ring. Inko immediately picked up the phone hoping it was her son.

??: "Hello, Is this Inko Midoriya?"  the voice on the phone asked.

Inko: "Yes that's me. What is it?" she said in a nervous voice.

??: "Well your son Izuku was in a villian attack and now he is in a coma. You can come to the hospital now for more details." the voice said before hanging up.

Inko fell on the floor and cried. Mitsuki quickly ran up to her and try to figure out what happened. 

Mitsuki: "Inko what happened?" she asked worriedly.

Inko: "I-Izuku h-he is in a coma" she said while sobbing.

I don't know why, but my writing and dialogue in this story feels horrible. It is horrible, I promise it will get better :)

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