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Katsuki was sitting in his english class and that's when he got a phone call. He look at the phone and noticed it was Joy calling him.

Katsuki: "Sensei I need to take this call. It's important." he said to the teacher.

Teacher: "Go outside and take it. Don't take to long." he said.

Katsuki: "Thanks." he replied.

Katsuki walked out of the classroom and answered the phone in the hallway.

Katsuki: "Joy what's the matter." he asked

Joy: "He's awake." she said.

Katsuki immediately hung up the phone and quickly went back inside the classroom.

Kastuki: "Sensei I'm leaving for the rest of the day. Goodbye." he said before taking his stuff and running out of the classroom.

Camie: "What the hell was that about?" she said while looking at Inasa. He just shook his head not knowing what happened.

Teacher: "He's getting detention for the rest of the week." the teacher said.

Katsuki used his quick and arrived at the train station. He took the train and arrived at the hospital as fast as he could.

Katsuki didn't even bother checking in. He just ran straight to his lovers room. He ran inside with out even knocking and he sat his lover looking at him.

Katsuki: "D-deku you're awake." he says with teary eyes.

Izuku: "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting." he says with a smile.

Katsuki quickly ran into his lovers arms and cried his heart out. Joy ran into the room worried on where the loud noise was coming from, but all she saw was Katsuki crying in his lovers arms.

Joy: "He's finally got him back." she said to herself with tears in her eyes. She took o  out her phone and took a picture of the moment. "I'm going to send it to him later." she thought before leaving the room.

After about 2 hours of crying Katsuki finally calmed down.

Izuku: "Kacchan why did you cry so much? Was I really gone for that long?" he asked.

Katsuki: "They didn't tell you?" he asked.

Izuku: "All I remember is getting suffocated by a sludge villian and everything going black." he explains. "How long was I out?" he asked.

Katsuki: "You got attack 10 months before the UA entrance exam, so I guess about 2 years now." he says.

Izuku was in shock. His lover was now a second year.

Izuku: "Wait, why aren't you wearing the UA uniform?" he asked Katsuki.

Katsuki: "So much things had happened since you were in a coma. I guess it's time for me to explain." he says with tears in his eyes.

Izuku: "What happened?" he asked worriedly.

Katsuki: "No matter how I say it, I can't make it hurt less so I'm just gonna at it how it is." he said before taking a deep breath. "Deku both of our parents died." he said.

Izuku froze from shock and then realization hit him. He started bawling into Katsuki's chest.

Izuku: "So mom, auntie, and uncle are gone?" he asked with tears in his eyes.

Katsuki just nodded in response.

Izuku: "When did it happen?" he asked.

Katsuki: "Auntie died in a villain attack about a week after UA started. My parents died in a car accident a couple weeks after auntie died." he said replied sadly.

Izuku then realized that his boyfriend has been alone all this time.

Izuku: "Does that mean you have been dealing with this alone?" he asked with a shaker breath.

Katsuki: "Nurse Joy was with me. She's the head nurse that takes care of you." he said with a smile.

Izuku: "How did you manage by yourself?" he asked.

Katsuki: "Well after I planned my parents funeral, I sold the house and put all of your families and my families things into storage. I found a very small apartment that I could afford and lived there." he explained.

Izuku: "Wait! Who payed for my hospital bills?! And why aren't you in the UA uniform?"he slightly yelled.

Katsuki: "I did an I left UA." he said proudly.

Izuku: "Huh... how?" he asked slightly concerned.

Katsuki: "Well that's a long story." he chuckled nervously.

Izuku: "I have time." he said plainly

Katsuki: "Well after my parents died I got a job at a club. The club payed well and the tips I got from bartending were amazing. To go to my job I had to sneak out of the dorms. My classmates noticed that I was sneaking out of the dorms so they decided to follow me. They followed me to my apartment and they found out I had a job.

Instead of asking me what my job was and why I have a job, they decided to talk to my neighbor. My neighbor ended up telling them where I worked and they found out that it was the most notorious club in this part of Japan. They told the teachers and the principal got the club owner arrested and shut the club down. I was beyond pissed at them for barging into my personal life and then making me lose my job, because of that I decided to leave UA." he explains

Izuku sat there and took in all the information and started to cry.

Izuku: "I-it's all my fault!" he cried.

Katsuki pulled his lover into a tight hug.

Katsuki: "Baby it's not you're fault. I did this because I wanted too. I couldn't lose you and it's not your fault that I'm not in UA. It's those dumbasses fault for not asking me why I'm sneaking out." he said calming down his lover. "Plus I broke a record for the entrance exam and I won the sports festival before I dropped out, so I already made a big achievement there." he said while smiling

Izuku: "You did what?!" he said in suprise.

Katsuki: "I broke All Might's record for the entrance exam and I got first place in the sports festival." he said proudly.

Izuku: "I wish I was there." he said sadly. "What school do you go to now?" he asked.

Katsuki: " I go to Shiketsu." he says while showing off his uniform.

Izuku: "Wow you look hot in that uniform." he says with a slight blush.

Katsuki blushed at his statement. He grabbed Izuku and pulled him into a long make out session. Katsuki broke the kiss and smiled.

Katsuki: I missed you so damn much." he said.

Izuku: "I missed you too. " he smile back at his lover.

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