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For the past month after entering Shiketsu Katsuki became good friends with Camie and Inasa. He hasn't told them about his life story or anything and they haven't brought it up ever since his first day. Katsuki was happy that they didn't pry into his life, after when he made it clear that he didn't want to talk about it.

Katsuki and Inasa became really good sparring partners over the month. Katsuki was glad he was able to get such a strong partner. Camie also brought out the fun side of Katsuki. He was still his normal self, but he did have his moments where he slipped up.

Teacher: "Guys head on the bus in a single file line. Also don't forget your hero costumes." he said.

The students grabbed their customers and headed to the bus. Camie and Inasa sat together while Katsuki sat in a seat alone across from his two friends.

Camie: "Are you guys ready for the exam?" she asked them excitedly.

Inasa: "Oh course. Kat and I trained hard for this." he said with a huge grin.

Katsuki: "Obviously I'm ready. All these extras better watch out." he said with a menacing smirk.

Camie laughed at her friends actions. The group of three spent the rest of the bus ride just talking about random things that they could think of.

The Shiketsu students arrived at the exam location and got off the bus. When they were about to walk into the location they ran into UA's class 1a.

Camie: "Kat isn't this your old class?" she asked him.

Katsuki: "Mhmm." he replied

Mina: "Why does he let you call him Kat?" she asked slightly jealous.

Camie just shrugs her shoulders and says, "I just asked."

The class started to look down with guilty looks. on their face. Camie smirked at their response.

Aizawa's: "Hello problem child. You know you can still come back to UA." he says.

Katsuki: "Mr. Aizawa I won't ever go back to UA. I am actually enjoying my time here at Shiketsu. I became friends with a girl that helped me loosen up a little bit. I also became friends with a giant baldy that is one hell of a good sparring partner. They also don't come onto me and beg me to do things 24/7. Plus the uniform makes me look hot. Being at Shiketsu helped me find a balance and I'm definitely not going to leave that balance." he said.

Aizawa: "Are you ever going to explain why you got so mad when you lost that job." he asked.

Katsuki: "You will find out when I make my number one hero speech, so hold on for a couple more years." he says. "Camie, Baldy let's   show these extras who's boss." he said while glaring at his old class and leaving with his 2 new friends.

Denki: "Damn I guess we are extras now." he sighed

Aizawa: "Just forgot about him. Focus on getting your licenses" he said to the class. The class nodded in agreement and went inside the testing location.
Katsuki: "Let's go! We passed!" he said to his two friends.

Camie: "You sound very excited." she giggled while holding her license.

Inasa: "All of our training payed off." he said while putting a hand on Katsuki's shoulder.

The group of 3 plus 2 other Shiketsu students walked outside to see UA celebrating about getting their licenses. The redhead noticed the Shiketsu students and he decided to go over there.

Camie: "Looks like one of your friends are coming over here." she said to the blonde.

Katsuki looked and saw Kirishima walking towards them.

Katsuki: "Oh my god, doesn't this idiot not take a hint." he said softly making only the other Shiketsu students able to hear him.

Kirishima: "Hey Bakubro. Did you get your license?" he asked with a grin.

Katsuki: "Obviously." he said.

There was always silence between the two boys.

Kastuki: "Is there anything else or can I leave?" he asked.

Kirishima: "I um..." he was trying to say but couldn't get the words out.

Katsuki: "Kirishima stop wasting my time. I'm not coming back." he said before turning to his classmates. "Guys lets go." he said. 

Katsuki and the other Shiketsu students happily got on the bus and drove back to school. After a few hours the group of students got back to school.

Camie: "Do you guys want to go out to celebrate?" she asked

Inasa: "I'm in!" he said.

Katsuki: "Hold on let me make a call first." he said before walking off to somewhere away from his friends.

He pulled out his phone and called Joy.

Joy: "Hey Katsuki what is it?" she asked.

Katsuki: "Well today I got my provisional license and some friends wanted to hang out to celebrate. I was wondering if I could come in after visiting hours to see Deku." he asked.

Joy: "Yea that's fine. Go enjoy yourself, you deserve it." she replied.

Katsuki: "Thanks Hoy, you're the best!" he said happily.

Joy: "No problem." she said before hanging up the phone.

Katsuki ran up back to his friends saying that he can hang out with them. Teh group of 3 went to the mall and messed around at a few stores. After the mall, the group of 3 went go Karaoke and had a blast. After Karaoke they said their goodbyes and split ways.

Katsuki made his way to the hospital excited to show his lover his license. He quickly entered the hospital and made his way to his lover's room.

Katsuki: "Deku look, I got my provisional license. I'm getting closer to become a hero." Katsuki said while putting the license in his lover's hand.

He saw Izuku lightly curl his pinky and his ring around the license. Katsuki smiled and took a picture of the moment. Making sure he has the moment just in case his lover doesn't remember.

He told the doctor about the incident and he said that if he keeps progressing like this, hd will most likely wake up during his second year.

Months has passed and now Katsuki is in his second year. Katsuki has been enjoying his new life at Shiketsu. Since there are no dorms, it is easier to balance work and school. He still hasn't told his friends about his lover, but they still stayed by his side not bringing up the conversation that happened at lunch a while back.

Katsuki: "How much longer do you think it's going to take for Izuku to wake up?" he asked the doctor.

Doctor: "Well over these past few months he has been making a lot of progress. He can now move all of his fingers and toes. It's a matter of time when he wakes up." he explains to Katsuki.

Katsuki was happy to saw the least. His bestfriend, his boyfriend, his whole world is going to wake up soon.

A couple days later

??: *slowly opens eyes*

??: "W-Where am I?" the person softly says

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