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For the next couple months everything has been going smoothly for Katsuki. He won the sports festival (he didn't get chained up and muzzled). He also aced his final exams and he gained a lot of experience during the summer camp (he didn't get kidnapped).

Katsuki has also earned a lot of money from working at the club. He actually enjoys his time there since all the customers are fun to talk to and his coworkers are nice. Sometimes his neighbors would pay him to clean and make them dinner, so that side job also helped him for personal things.

Izuku still isn't awake, but he has made a lot of progress. Katsuki still kept Izuku and his job a secret from everyone, but the class is starting to get suspicious of him.

The class minus Katsuki is sitting down in the common room.

Mina: "Don't you guys think Bakugo is hiding something from us?" she asked.

Uraraka: "I also think so too." she said and the class nods to agree with her.

Kirishima: I've noticed that he always goes to bed early, but sometimes when I open his door he isn't there." he said

Denki: "Do you think he's sneaking out?" he asked

Mina: "I think we should follow him." she suggested.

Iida: "We shouldn't be prying into someone's personal life." he said while chopping his arms.

Momo: "I agree with Iida, but if he's sneaking out we have to figure out why." she says.

Mina: "Well I guess it's decided! We are following him." she says excitedly.

Jiro: "What days do you usually see him sneaking out?" she asked while looking at Kirishima.

Kirishima: "Um Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and on the weekend he is usually at home." he says.

Hagakure: "Today is Wednesday. so let's do it tonight." she said and the group agree's.

The group waits hours before they see Katsuki jump out of his dorm window and leave campus. The group slowly follows behind him from a distance and sees that they are going into a bad neighborhood.

Uraraka: "Why is he at a place like this?" she asked.

Mina: "I don't know let's keep following him." the group agrees and see's him go to an apartment building.

Tsuyu: "I'm pretty sure he lives here." she states.

Hagakure: "I'm going to follow him." she says before stripping her cloths and gets inside the room with him. "This place is super small." she thought to herself and then she over hears Katsuki talking to himself.

Katsuki: "Work starts in an hour I got to hurry before I'm late." he says to himself before rushing out of his apartment.

Hagakure was shocked after hearing that her classmate has a job. She immediately went downstairs to tell the others.

Sero: "What did you find out?" he asked.

Hagakure: "The place is super small. He then said he is almost late for work and rushed out of the building." she explained.

Kirishima: "We should go talk to his neighbors." he suggested. The group agrees and the follow Hagakure to the door next to Katsuki's.

Kirishima knocks on the door and was met with an old man.

??: "What are you young kids doing here?" the old man's asked.

Iida: Well we wanted to know why our classmate Bakugo has been sneaking out of the dorms." he told the man

??: "Oh Katsuki? He's such a nice young man." the old man said while smiling.

The group looked at eachother in shock. Bakugou being nice? That was a shocker to all of them.

Uraraka: "Can you tell us what you know because we are really worried about him." she said softly.

??: "Well he cooks and cleans for me on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and on the weekends. I obviously pay him for it because he does such a good job. He actually does it for some of the older residents in the building." he says with a smile.

Mina: "Wow Bakugo is actually being nice. That's a shocker." she chuckled.

Momo: "Do you know where he works and why?" she asked the man.

??: "He doesn't really like to talk about himself, so I don't know hwy he works. All I know is that he works at the Dragons Den." the old man said.

Todoroki: "HE WORKS WHERE?!" he shouted in shock.

Kirishima: "Todobro what's wrong?" he asked his friend.

Todoroki: "The Dragons Den is the most notorious club in this part of Japan." he says.

Denki: "We have to tell Sensei." he says. Everyone nods and runs back to the dorms.

After running back to the dorms they called Aizawa to meet them in the common room.

Aizawa: "This better be important." he says angrily.

Iida: "Sir it's about Bakugo." he says

Aizawa: "What about that problem child.l he replies tiredly.

Kirishima: "Well we found out that he has been sneaking out of the dorms, so we followed him. We also found out that he has a job at a place called the Dragons Den." he explains.

Aizawa's eyes went wide in shock.

Aizawa: "Do any of you have proof?" he asked.

Uraraka pulls out her phone and plays the recording of the old man.

Aizawa: "Let me call Nezu down here." he said before reaching for his phone and texting Nezu to come to the dorms.

After about 15 minutes Nezu and All Might are at the dorms wondering why they were called.

Nezu: "Aizawa what's the matter?" he asked.

Aizawa: "Well apperantly Bakugou has been working at the Dragons Den." he says.

Nezu and All Might were shocked to hear this information.

Nezu: "We can finally arrest the owner. He isn't legally allowed to work yet, so she can go to jail. We can finally close the place down." he says with a smile.

All Might: "I'll call other hero's and the police to raid the place." he says.

Sero: "Guys I think we just saved Bakugo from something dangerous." he says with a smile.

Kirishima: "If he was in this dangerous situation he should've asked us for help. I'm his best bro." he says sadly.

Aizawa: "Let's sit here and wait so we can question him when he gets back." he states.

Everyone agrees and got comfortable, waiting for the blonde to arrive back at the dorms.

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