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Katsuki was peacefully sleeping until his mom barged into his room.

Mistuki: "Brat wake up! You don't want to be late on the first day!" she yelled at him which effectively woke him up.

He looked at the picture of him and Izuku and smiled at it before he went downstairs and left for school.

After searching the building, Katsuki finally made it to the huge door that said 1A.

Katsuki: "Deku wish me luck." he whispered to himself before taking a deep breath. He let out the breath and opened the door.

He saw some students already sitting down and started to walk to his seat. When he was walking he saw something yellow out the finer of his eye. He turned his head and his eyes met with a man on the floor.

Katsuki: "What the fuck? You know what, I'm just gonna ignore him." he thought to himself before he broke I contact and shrugged. He made his way to his seat and out his feet up on his desk.

Iida: "Take your feet off the desk. It's is a disrespect to UA and our past upperclassman." he said to him.

Katsuki: "This fucker is annoying" he thought. He signed and turns toward Iida. " Can you shut up. You are probably someone from an elite middle school that is hellbent on rules. Just because you follow the rules doesn't mean you can boss me around. The only person that can tell me what to do is the teacher and if he doesn't have a problem then I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing." I said before putting a book over my face and falling asleep.

Iida was in shock after hearing his classmates response. Some of the classmates chuckled at the interaction, some wanted them to shut up, and the teacher just payed there slightly intrigued by the blonde.

Aizawa: "Even though he's a problem, he will most likely be my favorite student." he thought to himself. He got up after he noticed that everyone was in the class. "Quiet!" he yelled. The class immediately got quiet after seeing him. "Only one person noticed that I was here and I had to yell for you guys to notice me. Take these uniforms,  get dressed and head to the field." he said before walking out the classroom.

All the students went to their respective locker room to change. The boys were peacefully changing until Mineta got everyone's attention.

Mineta: Hey Denki, the seniors blessed us with a peep hole." he said while pulling a poster off the wall.

Denki: "Dude that's too far." Denki said while shaking his head.

Mineta: "Stop being such a party pooper." He said before moving his eye towards the hole.

Katsuki grabbed him by the collar and threw him into a locker.

Katsuki: "People like you disgust me. You only have one life and you decide you spend it as a pervert. You aren't going to find a love if you keep acting like a perv. Shape up your act." he said before walking out of the locker room.

Jiro heard everything that happened and smiled. She ended up telling the girls and they were grateful that he stood up for them.

The guys in the locker room was shocked that the loud blonde would do something like that.

Aizawa: "It seems like you're first." he said to Katsuki who was quietly waiting off everyone else.

Kastuki: "Getting dressed doesn't take long." he said plainly.

The class started to slowly arrive at the field. After a couple minutes everyone was there.

Aizawa: "We will be doing an assessment." he said.

Uraraka: "What about orientation?" she asked.

Aizawa: "That's a waste of time." he said before looking at Katsuki. "Bakugo you place first in the entrance exam." he said before throwing a ball at him. "What was your ball tosd in middle school?" he asked

Katsuki: "120 meters." he said proudly

Aizawa: "Wow he must've trained hard to get that score." he thought. "Go in the circle and throw the ball as hard as you can. You dan use your quirk." he said to him.

Katsuki smirked and walked to the circle. He got into his stance before throwing the ball.

Katsuki: "DIEEEEE!" he yelled while throwing the ball. He used a giant explosion to propel the ball out of sight.

Aizawa: "1679.46 meters" he said while looking at his phone.

Katsuki smirk and walked off quietly.

"Wow that's was so manly!"

"Expected of UA."

"Wow we get to use our quirks, this is gonna be fun!"

After Aizawa heard that last statement he activated his quirk which made all the students quiet down.

Aizawa: "Fun? Do you think this school is fun. To make this fun, the person who gets last in this assessment will be expelled." he said menacingly.

Katsuki grinned at the challenge, others started to whine.

Urarka: "What you can't do that, that's unfair." she whined.

That statement angered Katsuki

Katsuki: "Life isn't fair so deal with it." he said coldy. He then turned his attention to the teacher and said, "can we hurry up and start." he said plainly.

The teacher grinned and started the rest of the test.

1.Shoto Todoroki
2. Momo Yaoyarozou
3. Katsuki Bakugou
19. Minoru Mineta

Aizawa: "I lied about expelling someone. That was a ruse to make you guys try your hardest." he said plainly.

Most of the students visibly relaxed, happy that they weren't getting expelled.

Momo: "Wasn't that obviously?" she said while looking at the other students

Katsuki: "Sensei I really dislike liars, but you do you I guess." he said to the teacher before leaving.

Aizawa: "Bakugo Katsuki sure is a strange student." he thought to himself.

The class finished getting dressed and went to the classroom. Aizawa let them introduce themselves and he started class. The day finally ends but Aizawa holds them back so he can tell them an announcement.

Aizawa: "As you know UA had dorms. Tomorrow you guys will be moving into those dorms. You guys can leave." he said before going into his sleeping bag.

Katsuki left school and went to the hospital. He greeting Nurse Joy and immediately walked to Izuku's room.

Katsuki: "Hey Deku, seems like you're doing the same every since you've been in a coma. Nothing good and nothing has changed about your condition." he said softly. "Well today was my first day at UA. Our teacher is eraserhead, he seems like a cool guy, even though he did lie to our class though. We did some assessment and I came third. I have to work harder so I can become the best. I don't want anyone beating me." he said while holding his boyfriends hand. "Well that's all I had to say today. I hope you wake up soon." he said sadly before placing a soft kiss on Izuku's lips and left to go home.

Katsuki told his parents about the first day and immediately went to bed.

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