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Katsuki wakes up excited for his last he  at of highschool. He looks over and sees his boyfriend's sleeping face.

Katsuki: "He's so adorable." he said to himself. "Babe wake up." he said lightly shaking the body next to him.

Izuku: "Hmmm. Good morning Kacchan." he said tiredly.

Katsuki:" Good Morning, it's time to get ready." he said.

Izuku: "Okay."

Both boys take there time and get ready for school. After both of them finished getting ready they left.

Katsuki: "Are you excited?" he asked his boyfriend.

Izuku: "Yup! I'm glad I get to school with you again." he said happily.

Both boys get off the train and Katsuki grabs Izuku's hand and walks the rest of the way.

Izuku: "Wow this place is huge." he says while looking at the giant building in front of him.

Katsuki: "That was my same reaction, but let's go you don't want to be late." he said with a big smile. "Deku I'm glad that you are finally here with me." he thought to himself.

Katsuki and Izuku walk into the school hand in hand. Everyone in the hallway were looking their way.

Izuku: "Kacchan why are they staring at us?" he asked a little nervously.

Katsuki: "Well I don't usually let people around me. If anyone is usually around me or touches me I explode. Also you are the new kid, so obviously they are doing to look at you." he says with a smile.

Izuku: "You should be nicer." he pouts to his boyfriend.

Katsuki: "Yeah yeah I'll try." he says sarcastically.

Camie: "Hey Kat." she runs over to the two boys.

Inasa: "Hey Katsuki who is this?" he asked.

Katsuki: "This is Izuku Midoriya my boyfriend. He is also a new student that is starting today." he says to them.

Camie: "How come you never told us you were dating such a cutie?" she came pouts.

Izuku: "He probably didn't tell you guys because of a situation that happened, but he said that he is going to reveal it to the world once he becomes the number one hero." he says nervously.

Inasa: "We'll after that war that we had a couple months ago, he might become number one a year or two after highschool ends." he said with a laugh.
Months go by and Izuku has already adjusted to his new life. He got a job at a cafe to help Katsuki with funds. He also started to take business classes to prepare him for the new agency.

Izuku made a couple close friends from teh general studies course. Him and his group usually hang out with Katsuki's group.

Camie and Inasa agreed to join the Wonder Duo agency when it opens. Katsuki also has a bunch of potential sponsors and hero's that want to join his agency that he plans to open when graduating.

Katsuki worked at the hospital during the rest of his third year saving up money so him and Izuku can move to a better place after graduation.
Izuku: "Wow Kacchan, I can't believe graduation is already here." he says with a sad smile.

Katsuki: "Yea I'm gonna miss this place." he said sadly.

Camie: "Guys don't be so down. We will be working together after graduation." she says with tears flowing down her face.

The friend group laugh at Camie's antics.

After graduation they went to a party and they all got drunk and had the time of their lives.
A couple days later

Katsuki: "I can't believe we are getting married." he says with a smile.

Izuku: "I'm so happy that I get to marry you." he says while crying.

Officiant: "Do you Katsuki Bakugou, take Izuku Midoriya as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Katsuki: "I do." he smiles

Officiant: "Do you Izuku Midoriya, take Katsuki Bakugo as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Izuku: "I do." he smile with tears.

Officiant: "You may now kiss the groom." he said.

Both boys kiss making their marriage official.

Camie: "Congrats guys!" she says while running to the couple.

Joy: "Congrats Katsuki" she said to him.

Inasa: "Take dare of him Izuku Bakugo." he said with a smirk.

Izuku blushed after hearing the name.

They're friends put money together and got them a week honey moon in Hawaii. Let's just say that they had a bunch of "fun" during their honeymoon.
Katsuki: "Are sure that you don't want to reveal you identity to the public?" he asked his husband

Izuku: "I'll reveal myself once you become the number one hero." he says

Katsuki: "Well I guess it's a good thing we made everyone sign NDA's" he laughed.

Izuku: "Yup. Well go out there, everyone is waiting for you." he says before giving his husband a kiss.

Katsuki: "Wish me luck." he says.

Katsuki walks out infront of the agency and is met with news camera and press.

Katsuki: " Thank you everyone for coming. I know most of you guys came here for the opening of my new agency." he says.

Katsuki picked up a pair of giant scissors and cut the red banner.

Katsuki: "THE WONDER DUO AGENCY IS NOW OPEN AND TAKING REQUEST!" he yelled while popping explosions in his hands.

The crowd cheered and clapped for the opening of the agency for Pro Hero Dynamaite.

Katsuki: "Before I answer your questions I just have a few things to say. First off I won't be answering questions about who I opened the agency with. My partner wanted to keep their identity hidden. They will reveal it in due time.

Also don't ask me questions on why I left UA. When I become the number one hero I am planning a speech and the reason why I left is included in that speech, so you guys just have to wait until number one." he says with a proud smirk.

"Now you guys can ask your questions." he says with a smile.

Izuku was watching from the top floor looking at a picture of his mother.

Izuku: "Mom I married such and amazing man. I know he'll keep his promise he made to you." he said with a soft smile before paying attention to his husbands press conference.

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