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Katsuki didn't have that much to pack for dorms. He only pack a couple boxes filled with things he needed. He didn't pack anything important because he knew that his classmates might snoop in his room. He hated when people invaded his persona space, because it makes him feel uncomfortable people knowing things about him when he didn't tell it them himself.

Masaru: "Do you need help putting things in the car?" he asked his son. Katsuki just shook his head and started to put the things in the back of the car.

Mitsuki: "Your father is going to drop you off and don't make trouble for the other students." she said to him before pulling him into a hug.

Katsuki reluctantly hugged back and went to the car where his dad was waiting for him. Both males went into the car and made their way to the dorms.

They got to the dorms and took out the 3 boxes out the car.

Masaru: "Do you need help setting up your dorm?" he asked

Katsuki: "Naw I'm good. Plus I want some alone time." he replied softly while staring at a picture of his boyfriend.

Masaru noticed this and sighed. "Alright son take care." he said before driving off.

Katsuki: "I guess I have to figure out a way to visit you." he said sadly while looking at the picture.

Katsuki finished packing up his dorm and left the dorm and went to the hospital. No one noticed him leaving since everyone else was too business so busy packing up their rooms.

Nurse Joy: "Hey Katsuki. How are you?" she asked sweetly.

Kastuki: "I'm fine. I just finished moving into my dorm." he replied sadly.

Nurse Joy: "Doesn't that mean you can visit as much?" she asked.

Katsuki: "I'll just sneak out." he smirk towards her and walked away before she could respond.

Nurse Joy: "That boy would do anything for Izuku. Young love is precious." she said to her self.

Katsuki walked into Izuku's room and just sat there. He didn't have anything to talk about. He just stared at Izuku and smiled. He did this for an hour before he left to go back to the dorms.

A week since school started and Kastuki has a group of students calling themselves the bakusquad. He thinks their annoying and pushy because no matter how many times he try's to get away from them, they just keep coming.

Katsuki was at home for the weekend chilling n his room waiting for Auntie to get back from the store so they can make dinner together.

After an hour Mitsuki came into his room crying, which was something very rare to him.

Mitsuki: "Katsuki it's Inko." she cried.

Katsuki: W-What happened." he stuttered slightly nervous on what she's gonna say.

Mitsuki: "She got killed in a villain attack at the supermarket." she sobbed.

Katsuki was stunned at the news. First Izuku and now Inko. Two people in his life taken away from him.

Katsuki: "What is Izuku gonna think when he wakes up? What is mom and dad gonna do? What am I gonna do?" he thought to himself.

Before he knew it, he was already crying thinking about all the possibilities.

Inko's funeral was held the next day. Inko didn't have anyone other than her son and the Bakugous, because of that it was easier for them to plan and hold the funeral. Inko got a beautiful grave and a beautiful service.

Mistuki was crying her eyes out while her husband comforted her. Katsuki just stood there feeling slightly empty before he decided to sit in front of her and speak.

Katsuki: "Auntie I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect Izuku. I just wanted to know that I loved you very much. You were very important to me and I'm glad you were one of the people that raised me. When Izuku wakes up I will protect him and take care of him." he said with tears flowing out his eyes.

Masaru started to cry after hearing what Katsuki said to Inko. Mitsuki felt heartbroken for her son. His boyfriend being in a coma and now, he lost an important adult figure in his life.

After the funeral Katsuki immediately went to the hospital.

Nurse Joy: "Katsuki why do you look so down?" she asked with a concerned expression.

Katsuki Just walked into her chest and cried, not caring that people in the hospital was staring at him. He didn't want fo cry infront of his parents because he wanted to be strong, but he can let down his walls with nurse joy.

Nurse Joy: "Shhh just let it out." she said softly to him while rubbing his back.

Katsuki: "Aunty died." he cried out.

Nurse joy was slightly shocked and felt some sadness. Nurse Joy enjoyed when Inko visited. Inko as always nice to her and always liked to have some small conversations.

Katsuki: "What am I going to tell Deku." he cried.

Nurse Joy: "You can think about it when the time comes." she said softly.

Katsuki let go and walked to Izuku's room with his head down. He walked into Izuku's room and sighed.

Katsuki: "I know you probably can't hear me, but auntie died yesterday." he sadly sadly. "She got caught up in a villain attack at the supermarket. We have her a beauty service and a nice tombstone." he said with tears welling in his eyes.

Katsuki just payed his head on Izuku's bed for the rest of visiting hours. After he left the hospital, he immediately went to bed, knowing that he had to go to school the next day.

Katsuki was laying in his bed having trouble falling asleep. He know he needs to sleep but the only thinks he could think about was Izuku.

Katsuki: "How are the hospital bills gonna get payed, can my parents even afford the bills on their own, are they gonna pull the plug if they can't afford it?" he thought to himself, until an idea came to mind. "Maybe I should get a night job. Yes that's a good idea. I have to do a night job though, which is going to be hard to find." he said to himself before finally falling asleep.

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