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Katsuki woke up excited for the new day. Today is the day he starts his new school. Katsuki woke up and took the easily train to Shiketsu. After the hour and a half long train ride, he started to walk the rest of the way to school. After 30 minutes of walking he was finally at his new school. The place he will continue his hero career at.

He walked into the big double doors in his uniform and many students were surprised. They couldn't believe Katsuki Bakugo my the person who won UA's sport festival was in a Shiketsu uniform.

Katsuki: "I can't find my classroom." he said to himself. He kept looking around and he decided to ask a tall guy with a buzz cut. "Hey hey baldy?" he said while touching the guys shoulder.

Inasa: "I'm not bald!" he replied.

Katsuki: "Well can you show me where class 1a is?" he asked.

Inasa: "You can walk with me since I am going there right now." he said with a huge smile.

Katsuki: "Alright Baldy lead the way." he said with a smirk. "This place doesn't seem so bad." he thought.

After walking for a short period of time they were in front of a black door labeled 1A.

Inasa: "Here we are." he said while opening the door.

Camie: "Hey Inasa who is this the new student?" the girl with light brown haired asked.

Inasa: "Yea he's Katsuki Bakugo." he replied.

Camie: "As in the one that won UA's sport festival?" she asked.

Katsuki: "The one and only." he smirked.

Camie: "He's a hot one." she said while looking at him.

Katsuki: "I'm gay and have a boyfriend." he said uninterestedly.

Camie: "Aww no fun." she pouted.

Teacher: "Camie stop messing around and let the student inside." the teacher said.

Camie sighed and moved to the side letting Inasa and Katsuki enter the class room.

Teacher: "Come and introduce yourself to the class." the teacher said.

Katsuki walked up to the front of the class and started to speak.

Katsuki: "My name is Katsuki Bakugo. My quirk is explosion. I am also a transfer student from UA." he said before looking at the teacher.

The teacher pointed to an empty desk. Katsuki nodded and sat at the empty desk. After he sat down the teacher began to teach.

Morning classes went by fast and now it's lunch time. Katsuki was going to sit at an empty table but Camie waved for him to sit with her and her Inasa.

Camie: "Come sit with us!" she called to him. He sighed and sat with the two students.

Inasa: "So why did you transfer here?" he asked.

Katsuki sighed at the question. He knew he was going to be asked this. Inasa noticed Katsuki's reaction.

Inasa: "You don't have to say it if you don't want to." he said.

Katsuki: "Its fine. The class noticed me sneaking out of the dorms. They decided to follow me home and found out that I had a job. When I left they asked my neighbor why I had a job and where I worked. My neighbor obviously told them where, since he knew where I worked and he thought that they were worried for me. Once they found out that I worked at the Dragons Den, they told the teachers and they ended up shutting the place down." he explained angrily.

Camie: "They should've just asked instead of following you." she said and Inasa nodded.

Kastuki: "That's what I said! They even tried to convince me to stay and someone tried to use the best friend card." he laughed.

Inasa: "Did if work?" he asked.

Katsuki: " I didn't even consider him my best friend since I already have one." he laughed. "And when I told the class that I may be his best friend but he isn't mine some of them got mad at me." he explained. "I don't even know why they're mad. They are the ones that assumed that I didn't have any friends other than them. They even thought that they were my first friends." he chuckled at the memory.

Camie: "They sound like assholes." she said while eating some of her bento.

Inasa: "I have another question?" he asked.

Katsuki: "What is it baldy?" he asked.

Inasa: "Why would you work at a dangerous place like the dragons den?" he asked with a confused look.

Katsuki sat there for a second to decide whether or not he should tell them.

Katsuki: "I needed money and they payed well. Plus I had fun there. The customers gave good tips, my boss and coworkers were all nice. I was in no danger at all. You guys will find out the rest in due time." he said before finishing his food. Camie and Inasa shared a look knowing not to pry anymore because everyone has their own secrets.

The rest of the day went by quickly and Katsuki left to go to the hospital.

Joy: "How was your first day of school?" she asked him.

Katsuki: "It was fine. I made 2 new friends." he said with a small smile.

Joy: "Thats good. Are you ready for your shift?" she asked.

Katsuki nodded and started his work. After 5 hours of working his soft ended. When his shift ended he immediately went to Izuku to tell him about his day.

Katsuki: "Hey Deku I just finished my first day at Shiketsu. It wasn't that bad. I also like their uniforms better than the UA ones." he said with a soft smile. "I am working hard, so you have to keep fighting and wake up soon. I want you to graduate with me. I want you to be by my side when I become number one, so pleas keep fighting." he said.

After he said that he saw Izuku slightly move his toes. Katsuki smiled at the gesture and called the nurse in. Katsuki walked out of the room and took one last look at his lover before leaving.

Katsuki: "Baby please wake up soon." he said softly. He turned around and closed the door.

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