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Katsuki woke up with puffy red eyes because of the events that took place yesterday. He woke up, made breakfast and quickly left the house to go to the hospital.

Katsuki: "Hey Nurse Joy, I have a question?" he asked the nurse shyly.

Nurse Joy: "What is it?" she replied with a worried look.

Katsuki: "Well yesterday my classmates followed me home and found out about my job. They told the teachers and the teachers arrested my boss and the place I worked at ended up closing down. I also packed up my things and dropped out of UA because of what they did. So I am asking you if there are any jobs here at the hospital." he asked with tears in his eyes.

The nurse was shocked to hear what happened to him.

Nurse Joy: "Why can't Katsuki live a normal teenage life." she thought to herself sadly. "I'm am sorry to hear that happened to you. I also think that we have a receptionist and a janitor job open. You can apply to those." she said.

Katsuki: "Thank you." he said while hugging her. "Where can I fill out the application?" he asked with a smile.

Nurse Joy went behind the desk and pulled out two application forms.

Joy: "Here you go." she said while handing him the two applications. "You can also do your interview today." she said with a smile.

Katsuki: "Ok thank you." he said taking the papers and heading to Izuku's room.

Katsuki: "Hey Deku things aren't go too well." he said sadly. "I lost my job at the club and I dropped out of UA yesterday. My dumb classmates were the reason why I lost the job. I hated how they would barge into my personal life and fuck it up like that, so I dropped out. I don't want to be anywhere near them." he said angrily.

"On the bright side, I am applying for a job at the hospital. I guess this allows me to spend more time with you. Also I'm going to apply to Shiketsu. It's only about two hours away, so it isn't that hard to visit. Plus we don't have dorms there, which means I don't have to sneak out." he says with a soft smile. "I'll be right back. I need to go do an interview for the job." he said before giving Izuku a kiss on the forehead and leaving the room.

Katsuki did his interview and he got the job as both a receptionist and a janitor. After the interview he told Nurse joy the news and she was proud of him. After talking to her he went back to his lover's room. 

Katsuki: " Hey Deku I got the job!" he says excitedly. "The janitor job was easy to get, but it took some convincing to let me be the receptionist. I have to leave now because I am going to Shiketsu to see if I can transfer there." he says his lover before leaving the hospital and heading to the train station.

On the train Katsuki called the Principal of Shiketsu to see if he could meet with him. Obviously the Principal excepted because who wouldn't want to meet with the person who won the UA sports festival.

Katsuki got off the train and found his to Shiketsu.

Katsuki: "Wow this place is big." he said while looking at the huge building infront of him. He was about to walk in but he got stopped by a guard.

Guard: " Who are you and what is your business here?" he asked him.

Katsuki: "I am Katsuki Bakugou and I have a meeting with the principal." he replied. The guard nodded and let him through because he was informed that a Bakugou was coming.

Katsuki: "Their uniforms looks cool." he said to himself while passing some students in the hallway.

"Isn't that Katsuki Bakugou from UA?"

"What is he doing here?"

"He's hotter in person"

Katsuki: "Wow I must be popular." he smirk to himself.

After walking around the school, he finally found the principals office. He knocked on the door and waiting for permission to enter.

Principal: "Come in!" he yelled.

Katsuki opened the door and sat down across the principal.

Principal: "Hi, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked politely.

Katsuki: "Well I was wondering if I could become a student here?" he asked.

The principal was shocked to say the least.

Principal: "Why? What happened to UA?" he asked.

Katsuki: "Well let's just say they betrayed me trust and made my life harder than it already is." he said with slight anger.

The Principal was curious on what they did to make them lose their best first year.

Principal: "You don't have to tell me why your life is hard, but can you tell me how they made it worse?" he asked

Katsuki sighed and explained to him what happened.

Principal: "Wow they really messed up." he thought to himself. "Well I guess you can transfer here. I will email Nezu to transfer your forms here." he said.

Katsuki: "Thank You." he bowed.

Principal: "You can start when Nezu sends your forms over." he said while handing him a uniform. "Also Provisinal License Exam is coming up in a month, so be ready." he said before signaling the blonde out his office.

Katsuki nodded and left his office with the uniform in hand.

Katsuki walked through the halls ignoring everyone that tried to talk to him. He left the school and went back to the hospital.

Katsuki: "Nurse Joy I got accepted into Shiketsu! I can start when UA transfers my forms over! I have to go tell Deku!" he said happily before leaving quickly leaving the nurse without any words.

Joy: "I'm so proud of him." she smiled to herself.

Katsuki went to Izuku and told him about what happened at Shiketsu. Izuku slightly grabbed Katsuki's hand in response, but he still isn't awake yet. Katsuki was still happy that Izuku was still somewhat there.

Katsuki left the hospital and went home. When he was walking up the stair to his apartment he saw someone he didn't want to see.

Katsuki: "What are you doing here?"

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