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After their little reunion the doctor came i to talk to the both of them.

Doctor: "So Izuku now that you are awake and reunited with your boyfriend, we have to talk about the important stuff." he said

Izuku: "What's wrong?" he asked.

Doctor: "Well luckily nothing is wrong with your brain, but you have to stay in the hospital for the rest of the year." he says.

Katsuki: "Why is that?" he asked with a confused look.

Doctor: "Well he has to go through physical therapy since he hasn't moved a muscle do 2 years. Plus he can't be left alone and since you are at school he had no one to take care of him." he explains.

Izuku: "Okay doctor I'm fine with staying here for a while longer." he says with a smile.

Doctor: "I'm going to write up your physical therapy plan and you can deal with the cost at the front desk." the doctor said before leaving.

Izuku: "Kacchan can I want to sign up for online courses." he said to his boyfriend.

Katsuki: "Are you sure? You just woke up?" he asked worriedly.

Izuku: "Yea I want to catch up on everything I missed. Plus if I go fast enough I can start 3rd year with you." he smiled to his boyfriend.

Kastuki: "Okay I'll bring my laptop and some of my cloths that I grew out of for you to wear." he said to him.

Izuku: "Thanks you for everything." he said to Katsuki with a smile.

Katsuki: "Our parents are probably happy that we get to be together again." he smiled

Izuku: "Yea I bet they are."
Months go by and Katsuki is still helping Izuku as much as he cans through his school and physical therapy. Izuku is almost caught up to his boyfriend in his academics.

Katsuki: "There are some important things that we still need to talk about." he said to his green haired boyfriend.

Izuku: "What is it?" he asked.

Katsuki: "Well we never talked about what school you want to go to." he says.

Izuku: "I want to go to Shiketsu with you." he replies.

Katsuki: "Really?" he asked kind of shocked.

Izuku: "Why are you so shocked. Obviously I want to be with you." he chuckled.

Katsuki: "I thought you would want to go to UA, since you always wanted to go there." he says.

Izuku: "I don't care about UA anymore, I just want to be with you."he says before pulling his boyfriend into a kiss.

Katsuki melts into the kiss and deepens it's. After a few minutes Izuku breaks the kiss panting.

Katsuki: "We also have to talk about our future." he says.

Izuku raised and eyebrow.

Katsuki: "Do you still want to open up the wonder duo agency.". Kastuki said shyly while blushing.

Izuku noticed the blush and how shy his boyfriend got.

Izuku: "Obviously. You are going to be the number one hero and we are going to have the number one agency." he says with a laugh.

Katsuki: "Okay I was just making sure." he says with a smile.

Izuku: "Kacchan I love you so much." he says.

Katsuki: "I love you too Deku." he smiles.
Months pass and Izuku was now worried. His boyfriend told him that him and a bunch of other strong top and upcoming hero's are going on a mission.

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